Sunday, December 18, 2011


Metcon: Diane

Time: 2:51(PR)

Freaking huge PR and one of the faster times I've seen. My previous PR was 4:40 which I considered to be solid for my body weight. My goal, however, was to post an elite time and not just a great time for my body weight. I finally did it. I turned beast mode on and just crushed it. I feel like I can shave off 10-15 seconds the next time I do it. I did the first 21 DL's in 26 seconds.

Rings Dips: 75



Back Squat: 225x5, 235x5, 245x5, 255x5, 265x5, 275x5, 285x5, 295x5, 305x5, 315x5

Last time I did this I only got to 285, so this felt good to get through the 10 sets.

Push Press: 135x10, 155 3x5, 170 3x5

I should be able to go way heavier than this. This week I'll push it on the over-head movements. I PR'd on my jerk but my press and push aren't getting stronger.

Power Clean: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5, 195x1, 205x1, 210x1(PR), 190x5

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Split jerk: 135x5, 185x2, 205x1, 230x10, 245x1(PR)

Push press: 135x10, 155x10, 165x5, 175x5
My shoulders were shot. Too tired to do more.

Dead lift: 225x5, 295x5, 325x5, 375x3, 415x1, 435x1(PR)
Freaking huge for me. 15lb PR.


Strength: back squat

3x5 275

My hips hurt so I couldn't go too heavy.

Metcon: Jackie

Time: 7:14....almost pikes, too slow.


500m row
3 rounds:
12 hspu
24 kb
36 sit ups
500m row

Time: can't remember my time. I did it all pretty much unbroken.


Row 5k

Time: 22:29

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Today's work was broken up into two times.

Power clean: 135x5, 150x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185 3x5

Push press: 135x5, 145x5, 155 5x5 (did this after the metcon because I wasn't happy with my performance.

5 rounds:

5 push press 165lbs
15 dips
400m run

Time: 17:28

I freaking hate running. Must do it more.

5 min amrap hand release push ups
Reps: 111

Night time:

Back squat: 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x3, 295x3, 305 3x3

Pull ups: 5x10

Dead lift: 225x25, 275x15, 315 3x5



Dl: 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 345x5, 375x5(PR)

Power clean: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5

Push press: 135 3x5, 150x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185 3x3

Metcon: 5 rounds

10 pp 135
20 pull ups

Time: 9:38

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Strength: Back Squat

225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 305 5x2, 315 2x1, 320 2x1

Metcon: Barber

2 Rounds
20 Pull Ups
25 Box J.
30 Dl 185lbs
35 Burpees

This was hard, not as hard as I thought it was going to be but my lower back pain started up again..not just tightness but the pinching in my lower-right back. I had to sub the second round of Dl's and just did 65 burpees which slowed me down.

Time: 16:38. Was on pace for high 13s and the burpees slowed me down.

Monday, December 5, 2011



Push press: 3x5 135, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 180 3x3
Hang power clean: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 180 3x3, 195x1(PR), 205x1(PR)

Metcon: 3 rounds

30 push press 95lbs
30 pullups

Time: 10:01

Nick U. got 8:46 or something like that at 115lbs. I was shooting for the 9s. I obviously could have done it at 115 but I would've added about 3 minutes.

Sunday, December 4, 2011



DL: 30-1-20-1-10-1


WOD: Death by PP 65lbs & HSPU

10 Rounds + 2 HSPU

Still pretty sick. Couldn't work out at all yesterday because I felt so bad. Friday I can't really remember everything. I know I did Death By Dips and got like 18+ rounds but I can't remember if I did any strength or not.

Remembered: 5 Rounds: 10 HPC 150lbs, 12 HSPU, 14 Box J.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I've worked out the entire week but haven't posted because we've all had a bad case of the flu again. I still wasn't able to do a real met con today because I started dry heaving.

Strength: push press
135 3x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x2, 200x1(PR)

Front squat: 225 5x3 (yeesh)

Skill: 3x12 hpc 135

5 min amrap hand release push ups: 100

Dead hang pull ups: 5x12

Monday, November 21, 2011


Strength: Deadlift

245x5, 295x5, 315x5, 345x5

I had planned on going to 375 but I tweaked my lower right back so I had to pull back. Bummed.


Bench: 16x3 speed bench (Westside Barbell) 1 round every 30 seconds

8 rounds at 165, 8 rounds at 155

My bench is still so weak. Man, it's embarrassing.

HSPU: 5x10
Dead Hang Pullup: 5x10

I did these alternating sets.

Dips: 5x15

I didn't get jack in this past weekend because Alex and Whitney were here. I suck at working out when guests are here. This week is going to be even worse because we take off for San Diego on Wednesday. I'll be able to get volume in tomorrow and Wednesday morning. Maybe I'll get a hotel gym WOD or two in.

I got smaller over the weekend. I suck.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Yesterday I did death by pullups for an active rest day and I got 21+11. I was shooting for 24 but both my hands tore in round 16 and I ended up using my fingers on the pullups which was a grip killer.

WOD: chipper

80 situps
70 dips
60 burpees
50 box jumps
40 hspu
30 dl 275

Time: 21:25

I know I've said this but hspu's need to be part of my daily routine. Dang those killed me. Tomorrow will be shoulders and maybe thrusters and Saturday heavy DL strength.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Bench: 135x5, 165x5, 185 5x3
My bench is so weak. I'll do this one more time this week to try to build up little by little.

Split jerk: 135x5, 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 245(f), 245(f), 235x1 (PR), 240x1 (PR)
That's a 10lb PR in two weeks. My split jerk just keeps going up. I'll be really happy when it's 270+.

Skill: EMOTM 7 mins, 7 pc 150
Also trying to build pc strength. It's my biggest goat especially because it limits my metcons.


7 pp 155lbs
10 box jumps

Time: 8:28

Man my shoulders were tired for this one. They'll get a break tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Strength: back squat


I had planned on going to 305 but my legs were tired and I had a bunch of front squats still to do.

WOD: 5 rounds

7 fs 185lbs
14 t2b
21 dips

Time: 15:07

My legs were fatigued.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Strength: 3x12 135, 5x5 165

WOD: 3 Rounds

1 min push press 95lbs
1 min air squats
1 min pull ups
1 min rest

Push Press: 31, 22, 23
Air Squats: 37, 39, 33
Pull Ups: 30, 27, 24

Tianna and I went to Palo Alto this weekend for the Stanford/Oregon game. I didn't get any wods in Friday or Saturday. Today I just wanted to do mid weight/high rep. If I'd had more time I would have done more strength.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



4x25 Pull Ups

HSPU: 60


Dead Lift: 225x3, 315x3, 345x2, 365x1, 390x1, 420x1 (PR)

Back Squat: 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 305x1, 335x1 (PR), 350x1 (PR)

Press: 95x5, 115x3, 125x1, 135x1, 145x1

CFT: 915 (PR)

That's a 100lb PR for me. Tonight was a huge night for me. Just two weeks ago, or a little more, I hit 400lb for the first time on my DL and now I beat that by 20lb. Also, when I went for 335lb on the BS it went up w/ speed so I knew I could get more and didn't want to waste energy so I jumped the weight 15lb.  Obviously the strength aspect of my programming is working. My strict press is always going to be a weakness. In reality it's not super telling of my shoulder strength because both my PP and Jerks are increasing tons. Awesome night.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Strength: push press

135 3x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 155 5x3

This was all I could fit in tonight. Got home late from young men's. Gonna wake up early and do yesterday's main site WOD. Tomorrow night will be CFT.



Press: 95 3x5, 115 3x5, 135x1, 145x1 (PR)

Bench: 150 3x5, 165x5, 170x5, 185x3, 190x1

My bench is embarrassingly weak. Holy crap. Seriously, I thought about not posting this it's so embarrassing.

WOD: 7 min AMRAP

10 DL 275lbs
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees

Rounds: 3 + 5 DL

Monday, November 7, 2011


Strength: Front Squat

135x5, 185x3, 215x3, 230x3, 250x1 (PR)

WOD 1: 15-12-9-6-3

Power cleans 135lbs/Burpees

Time: 5:43

Finally beat Nick U in a WOD.

WOD 2:

150 air squats
150 air squats

Time: 17:33

Beat my previous time by 19 seconds. That's a hard WOD. The type I don't like at all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


WOD 1: 3 Rounds

5 PC Body weight (150lbs)
15 KB
25 Pull Ups
15 KB
5 PP 150lbs

Time: 15:05

Nick Urankar got 12:28. I honestly thought I would have been in the 13's so I was surprised I did so poorly. I wasn't gassed at all at the end of the WOD. Again, it was lower back tightness started to limit me in a major way on the KB's. Still a good WOD though.

WOD 2: (mainsite)

300 m Row
20 Push Press 135lbs
300 m Row
15 PP
300 m Row
10 PP
300 m Row
5 PP

Time: 9:50

Didn't even come close to Austin Malleolo's time of 6:34, but I also don't have his shoulders. Still thought I would have been in the high 7's. I was more disappointed w/ this WOD than with the first one.

WOD 3:

10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans 135lbs
2-4-6-8-10 HSPU's

Time: 5:52

This was a little better but still slow. This is a little more understandable since it was a high volume shoulder day. Still, I thought I was going to be and should have been in the high 3's. I was on pace for that and then the HSPU's got hard. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but since I've stopped incorporating those into my daily routine, they've really gone to crap.

Lots of volume today, but I wasn't happy with any of them. This past week I didn't have tons of strength workouts. This next week will see more strength and then shorter/faster metcons.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


WOD 1: 4 Rounds

10 DL 225lbs
40 Sit Ups
40 Push Ups

Time: 12:28

WOD 2: 5 FS 185lbs EMOTM 10 Minutes

WOD 3: 5 Rounds

10 KB 1.5 pood
15 Dips

Time: 4:44

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Strength: DL

225x5, 295x5, 325x5, 355 3x3

That felt good and strong. Probably could have done 365-370 3x3.

WOD: 21-15-9

PS 75lbs
Pull Ups
Box Jumps

Time: 6:41

I did this WOD when I started up again here in Gilbert and I was in the high 7's so I beat it by a minute. My pull ups sucked though which was weird.

WOD 2/Skill: 2 Min AMRAP HSPU

Reps: 34

I need to start doing this every day again. I honestly thought I'd be around 46-50. That was a rude awakening. In the summer I was doing them every day and was easily doing 45/2 min. Gotta fit those in to the schedule from now on.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Had a great Halloween w/ the boys. Henry was a blue easter egg of all things. At first he had a pilot's costume, then Batman and then he settled on a blue easter egg. Weird, but cute. Bentley boycotted clothes all together and went shirtless and in shorts. We were an interesting site to say the least. I got some work in after the boys got to bed.

Strength: Back Squat 3x3

300 3x3 (PR)

That's a pretty big PR for me. I haven't really pushed it for a max on 3x3 before. I think my old max was maybe 275, but that might have been at 5x3. Still to finally get sets in the 300's, at 150lbs body weight, feels good.

WOD: 9 Rounds

5 Thrusters 115lbs
5 Dead Hang Chin Ups
5 Burpees

Time: 11:14

A tad slow but my legs were literally jello for this WOD. I took maybe 5-7 minutes in between strength and the WOD and I felt it. The thrusters were going up at a snails pace from rounds 1-5. Finally at about round 6 they started to go up much faster. I wanted to get the WOD into the 9's, for a round/minute. I know I can go much faster. Next time.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Last night I had tons planned and was doing my cleans and my back seized up like crazy and I had to rest it. Today was good though.

Strength: Split Jerk

135x5, 155x1, 170x1, 185x1, 215x1, 225x1, 230x1 (PR)

Nice PR for me.

WOD 1: 4 Rounds

15 Push Press 135lbs
15 Box Jumps
400 m Run

Time: 16:52

Yuck I hate running. I killed it on the Push Presses though. I was able to go unbroken on the first two rounds and then 10/5 on the last two.

WOD 2: 10 Rounds

10 PC 95lbs
20 Push Ups

Time: 10:41

That was a fun little WOD.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Yesterday I took a rest day. I played around a little bit with some OHS's and did 185 which felt good. Other than that I watched TV and ate Halloween candy.

WOD 1: 5 Rounds

15 Pull Ups
20 Sit Ups

Time: 8:19

I did this WOD this morning before work. I did everything unbroken but was still moving a little slow. At least it was all unbroken. Tonight I have a bunch of stuff planned. Going to do some DL 1 min AMRAPs and then some body weight work.


Ring Dips:

5x5 53lbs

5x20 Body Weight

Dead Hang Pull Ups:


WOD 2: 1 min AMRAP each weight, Dead Lift

245lbs: 23
275lbs: 16
295lbs: 14
315: 9

Man, I get lower back tightness like nothing else when I do DL's for speed. Maybe not the best WOD for me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Push Press: 135 3x10, 160x5, 175 3x3

I wanted to do a 5x3 but my shoulders were feeling it already and I had a lot of work to do still.

Bench: 135x10, 155x5, 175x5, 185x5

My chest is super weak. I mean seriously, 185 should not be hard and it was. Definitely something to work on.

Weighted Pull Ups: 35 5x5

These felt solid. I'll probably move up to 40-45 on my 5x5.

WOD: 5 Rounds

15 Pull Ups
7 Push Press 135lbs

Time: 6:49

My goal was to get all the presses in unbroken and I was able to do that. I was surprised that my grip started to give out on me on round 3 of the pull ups. Ended up doing rounds 3-5 10/5 on the pull ups.

Monday, October 24, 2011



Back Squat: 225x5, 260 4x4

This felt super strong and was easy. Time to move the weight back up to 275+ on my 4x4.

Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x5, 300x5, 325x5

This also felt solid.

Weighted Ring Dips:

Body Weight x10
53 3x5

WOD: 5 Rounds

7 Hang Cleans 135lbs
14 KB 2pood

Time: 10:07

Holy crap I was moving slow. Cough attack, fatigue from the strength. I thought I would have crushed that WOD. Poor metcon performance balanced by solid strength. I need to start crushing metcons.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


WOD: Josh

21 OHS 95lbs.
42 Pull ups
15 OHS
30 Pull ups
18 Pull ups

Time: 8:22

I was alright with that. That was my first time doing Josh. It's hard to guess where my time should be the first time I do a hero WOD. I'm pretty sure I could have finished in the low 7's actually because I wasn't breathing that hard at the end. Good WOD though.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


WOD 1: Grace

Time: 4:46

That was freaking pathetic. I seriously had no intensity and I was the biggest wuss ever. I should have easily been in the 3' a minimum. I almost wasn't going to even post the time it's so bad. I obviously need to work on my power cleans.

WOD 2: 1 min AMRAP KB swings x3, 1 min rest in between each set


Lower back started to tighten up on me and my grip strength was terrible. Overall a terrible night. I'll be waking up and hitting a WOD for sure to make up for tonight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


WOD 1: Diane

15      DL 225/HSPU

Time: 4:40 (PR)

That was a 22 second PR. I didn't even feel like I was moving that fast. I remember the last time I did it I was super pumped because I had beaten Alex's top time, from a loooong time ago, by 24 seconds. Now to beat my own PR by 22 is pretty nice.

I didn't get any WODs in yesterday because I had to go to the church to get a new calling and the bishop was behind so I waited for a long time. It's probably for the better though. My body has been overworked probably and could use the rest.

Strength: Front Squat

225 5x3

I'm trying to get my working sets heavier. My 5x3 felt pretty good. Didn't have as much speed as I would have liked. I want to close the gap between my FS and BS. Right now my BS is so much stronger than my FS it's crazy.

WOD 2: AMRAP 7 Minutes


OHS 95lbs
Pull ups

Result: 18 OHS and no Pull ups

I did pretty well. I was hoping to get completely through the round of 18 and get an OHS or 2 into the round of 21. Next time I do this WOD I think I'll be able to. This was a nice little WOD. I have done OHS's in forever.

Monday, October 17, 2011



Back Squat: 225x5, 250 3x5

Easy. I'll go heavier next time. I just didn't want to kill my legs on a Monday and then not be able to squat again for a while. I could have pushed it harder though.

Push Press: 145 3x10, 160x5, 175x3

My shoulders weren't feeling it tonight. Also, I typically do 135 3x10 and I increased it by 10 lbs which made a difference. I was super fatigued by the time I got to 160 which was surprising. I'm alright w/ that though because I want to keep moving my high-rep-weights up. As long as those are increasing my 1RM will also increase.

WOD: Randy

75 Power Snatches

Time: 6:09 (PR)

That was a PR by 33 seconds. I really wanted to be in the 5's but I couldn't tonight. Still happy any time I get a PR. I'm far off elite times though on Randy. My Snatch is a weakness of mine so I'm at least happy I got that in tonight instead of working on a strength.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Strength Day:

Split Jerk: 135x5, 165x1, 185x1, 205x1, 225x2 PR, 235(f)

That was a nice PR for me. I currently weigh 150, which is 7 pounds LIGHTER than this summer and I hit a 10lb PR. That's a pretty solid strength/weight ration. Also, 235 went up 3 straight times w/ speed, but for some reason my right arm got shaky and couldn't support it for long enough. It was up, but I didn't count it. It felt good to finally get 225 up. I took a video of it on the 2nd rep and it definitely went up fast.

Dead Lift: 225x5, 315x1, 335x1, 365x1, 390x1 (PR), 400x1 (PR)

That was also a super good PR for me. My previous PR was 385 but that was easily back in Dec/Jan. Earlier this week when I did 365x2 touch-and-go I knew that I could at least beat 385. When I did 390 and saw how fast it went up I knew I had 400. That also went up w/ speed but I didn't feel like failing today so I stopped it there. A good strength day though. Definitely proof that my programming has been paying off. Thanks Nick Urankar!:)


DL: 225lbs

Reps: 37

I did 21 straight and then got tired. I only got 16 in the last minute and change. I think I can get over 40 next time. I'd like to be in the 50's.

Friday, October 14, 2011


WOD: 4 Rounds

250m Row
5 Front Squats 185lbs
30 Sit ups

Time: 10:14

I was too sore and tired to do any strength today. I almost didn't even do a WOD but I figured I should anyway since Sunday is my rest day. Tomorrow I'm going for a Jerk PR as well as a DL PR. If I'm not too sore I'll probably squat again since I didn't go that heavy today.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Strength: Push Press
155 3x5
170 3x3
180x1 (PR)
185x1 (PR)
190x1 (PR)

WOD 1: 3 Rounds

15 HPC 135lbs
15 Burpees

Time: 5:40

This was the CF Fury WOD. I split the difference and would have gotten 2nd. Felt like I could have gone a little faster on the second round of burpees. It was a good, short WOD.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Strength: Dead Lift 10x2

275x2, 285x2, 295x2, 305x2, 315x2, 325x2, 335x2, 345x2, 355x2, 365x2 (PR)
My 1 RM is 385. My last CF Total I only got 365, and barely. Today, 365x2 went up almost touch and go. I went for 400 and couldn't pull it:) I'll have 400 w/in 6 weeks.

WOD: 10 Rounds

10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips

Time: 9:41

I was shooting for a round/minute and got it. I wasn't breathing hard. Patrick, from work, came over tonight and helped me mount the pull up bar to the wall. Hence the pull up/dip WOD.

Tomorrow morning, before work, I'm doing a quick WOD that I'm stealing from Peter Egyed's box, Crossfit Fury. It's 3 Rounds: 15 HPC 135lbs, 15 Burpees. Their "all-star" did it in 4:31 w/ the second place guy getting it done in 7 minutes. Hopefully I can split the difference. Their guy won the Lift it/Love it challenge this past summer at CF 480.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Back Squat: 235lbs 3x5


Push Press: 135x10, 155 3x5, 165 5x3

Felt Good.


10, 9, 8....1 HSPU while doing the reverse 1, 2, 3...10 PC 135

I sucked.

Monday, October 10, 2011



Front Squat: 10x2

135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2, 185x2, 195x2, 205x2, 215x2, 225x2, 240x1 (failed second rep)

240lbs was and still is my 1 RM. I'm actually ok with that since I haven't front squatted in who knows how long. It'll go up quickly.

Dead Lift:

225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 335x3, 295 3x5

All of that felt relatively easy. I probably should have done my 3x5 at 305-310. I wanted to preserve my back though since it's only Monday.

WOD: 3 Rounds

500m Row
30 KB
15 Hand Release Push Ups

Ugly. Not going to post time. I'm just like Nick Urankar, but much worse. I need to freaking row.

Saturday, October 8, 2011



Push Press: 95lbs 2x10, 135 3x10, 155x5, 160 5x3

I'll be doing a max rep push press workout tonight, similar to the UFC Expo WOD that they did today, but obviously lighter.

Clean Pulls: 135x20, 185x10, 200 5x10

My Clean is super weak right now. Derek, at CF 480, was super good at teaching Clean/Snatch progressions and supplemental lifts to strengthen O-lifts. They felt good last night.

Bench: 135 3x10, 155x5, 165x5, 170 5x3

WOD: 2 Rounds 90 second AMRAP Push Press 115lbs w/ 1 minute rest in between:



Friday, October 7, 2011



Press: 75lbs x10, 95lbs 3x5, 105lbs 3x5, 115lbs 5x3

I went light today. It felt easy.

WOD 1:

150 Air Squats
2k Row
150 Air Squats

Time: 17:52

This was the Again Faster Challenge WOD in the little competition that they're currently running. Not sure how I faired compared to the competition. I know that Nick Urankar got roughly 15 minutes so I was using his time to gauge my pace. I was alright w/ that time. Obviously not competitive, but w/ my cough still bothering me it felt good. My legs are like jello now.

WOD 2: 4 Rounds

20 GHD Sit Ups

Time: 10:31

I was killing it until the last round of HSPU. I got through the first 8 of the last round easily and then started to hit failure. I pretty much ended up doing singles on the last 7 and they ate tons of time.

Tomorrow is going to be a strength day. I always have a lot planned but sometimes don't reach all of it. Here's what I have in mind for tomorrow: Back Squat, Clean progressions, Push Press, Bench and then a short Power Clean/Burpee WOD. Should be fun. I'm looking forward to a strength dominated day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011



Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
Holy-lower-back-tightness. I was lifting them with good form but my lower back seized up on me like nothing else. Most likely because I did Deads this morning as well. I stopped at 315, even though I was planning on going all the way up to 365, to preserve myself for the WOD.

WOD 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Dead Lifts 275lbs
KBS 1.5 pd

I was too lazy to go out to my car to go get the 2 pd kettle bell so I did it with the 1.5. I figured the 2 pood would wreck my back anyway, since it was already tight.

Time: 9:15

I was alright w/ that time. Nick Urankar got 9:51 w/ 2 pd, so I figured I had to beat his time w/ a lighter weight. My back was messed up though and I could have gone much faster on a fresh back.

(I know I already did Dead Lifts this morning, but I had a lot more in me and I want to get after them again.)

WOD 2: 21-15-9
Box Jumps
Power Snatch 75lbs
Front Squat 75lbs

Time: 7:42

I could have gotten in the 6's but I'll take it. I took quite a bit of time between rounds 1 and 2 which is usually what I do...and isn't good. Round 3 is typically my fastest. This was an easy WOD which could have been faster. I'll re-do it next week and see how much faster I am.

(A variation on yesterday's WOD)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back At It

We're all moved in finally and I feel like I can start to hit it with everything I've got again. I'll be posting every day to track my progress, or lack thereof. It's obviously been a long time since I posted last but during the summer I was training at Crossfit 480 in Scottsdale. It was fun to get back into a class atmosphere and compete again. It was even more fun to win:)

I was actually surprised at how well I did because the class I went to was the competitive class with some big dudes that should have been able to out lift the crap out of me. I definitely held my own. That being said, my lifts suck. I want to get so much stronger its ridiculous. I'm tired of being strong "for a short guy". I'm upping my protein intake again and going to start to eat double what I used to. During the summer I got up to 156lb, but have probably lost 10lbs in the last 4 weeks due to pneumonia and moving chaos.

I'm ready to bring it though and start hitting full two-a-days with a serious strength component and goat component. Although, today I won't be working on any goats:)

Bench 5x5 165
 (Easing back into this)

This was easy as crap.

2 Rounds AMRAP 1 minute: Power Cleans 155lbs


I was alright w/ this. I was hoping to get 13-14. Nick Urankar, CF Games freak and physical specimen, got 14/14. A lot of my training is going to be based off of his WODs.

WOD 1: 21-15-9
Box J.
Power Cleans 135lbs

Time: 11:21

Pneumonia got the best of me on this WOD. Should have been super easy and HPC would have sped this WOD up substantially. I rested way too much on the power cleans. I had zero muscle fatigue at all. My lungs were on fire and I had several coughing attacks.

WOD 2: 3 Rounds
5 DL 305lbs
500m Row

Time: 8:46

I did this WOD this morning. Again, DL's were easy but my chest/lungs were killing me. I'm not too concerned w/ speed just yet. Speed typically comes back quickly for me.

Monday, May 16, 2011



4x25 Pullups

100 Ring Pushups

5x5 Power Cleans 135


Back Squat: 225x4, 245x4, 265x4, 270x4

Cleans: 135x5, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 170x3

Cleans just feel weird to me. I'm trying to focus a little more on the O-lifts because I suck at them. I don't have any muscle memory with them right now. I can go much heavier on cleans, I just want to feel more comfortable with them.

Metcon: 21-15-9

Power Snatch

I'm in a CF funk, for sure. I'm really not feeling it right now but I'm trying to fight through it and still get volume/WODs in. The problem is I get bored easily, especially since I'm doing it by myself. Like I said above, I'm going to try to work on O-lifts 4-5 times/week, so hopefully that makes it all more interesting again.

I've been trying to put on 15lbs but it's just making me slow. I can't figure out how to gain good weight. I'm still going to try and eat a lot more, but not drink as much milk. The weight isn't making me stronger.

Sunday, May 15, 2011



25 pullups-25 dips x4

Time: 9:36

Slow. I definitely don't have a beast mode right now. Hopefully this next week will bring it back out and I'll start to post some good times and weights.

50 kb 1.5pd

Time: 1:58

That was better, time wise. Still about 20 seconds slow.


Split Jerk: 135x5, 155x1, 170x1, 185x1, 200x1, 220x1 (f)

Push Press: 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 160x3 (held overhead for 30 seconds each)

Press: 105x5, 115x5.

Friday, May 13, 2011



DL: 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 295 2x5, 335x3

Metcon: 5 Rounds

10 DL 225lb
20 Sit ups

Time: 10:12

A little slow, but I'm ok with it.


Skill: 4x25 Pullups


Back Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 240x5, 250x2, 260x2, 270x2, 280x2

Bench: 135x10, 150x5, 160x5, 170x5, 175x5, 180x2, 185x2, 190x1, 195x1

Both of those felt easy and solid.

Metcon: 21-15-9

Push Press 95lb
KB swings 1.5pd

Time: 7:32


Metcon: 5k run

Time: 22:32

A little slower than my top time, but I haven't done a run like that since last summer so I'll take it. I did this in Phoenix.

Monday, May 9, 2011



Row 1k

Power Clean: 4x10 135lb


Push Press: 95x10, 115x5, 135x5, 150x3, 160 3x3, 135 3x5

Deadlift: 225x5, 245x5, 265x10, 270x10, 325x5

Volume, volume, volume. Just got back from San Diego last night and taking off for Phoenix tomorrow morning at 4 AM. I wasn't able to go to the San Diego affiliate with Alex because we were doing so many things with the boys. I did get in two silly WODs at the hotel gym. Hopefully I'll get the time tomorrow and Wednesday to go to an affiliate while I'm gone. I should be able to start doing metcons again this week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165 5x5, 145 3x10

HSPU: 45

Pullups: 4x25, 5x12 Dead Hang Chinups

Back Squat: 225x3, 250 4x4

KB Swings: 4x12 2 pood

This was the first day since the last post that I've been able to get work done. I still can't do metcons because I start coughing too hard and then I throw up. At least I was able to get some volume in today. Man, I hate being sick. I lose body mass so fast when I don't work out its insane. Luckily, everything went up well today. We're headed to San Diego tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some WODS in at the affiliate close to Alex.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Press: 95 3x5, 105 3x5, 110 5x3

Back Squat: 225x5, 235 3x5

The last time I worked out was on Saturday. This is the sickest I've been in years. I'd be sitting in the library studying for exams and then break into a full, cold sweat. I still couldn't do much today because I still feel like crap. I at least got some mid-weight stuff in. My cough is brutal right now so there's no way I can do a metcon. I started coughing so hard during squats that I threw up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Metcon: Murph

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Time: 34:25

I did Murph with the flu. Still have it. Sick as a dog. It's Monday now and I feel like crap. Hopefully I'll be better by tonight because I don't want to take another day off.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Metcon: 6 Rounds

5 DL 275lb
9 Box Jumps
13 Push Ups

Time: 9:28

WOD 2:

Strength: Press

95 3x5, 105 5x3, 115 3x3---I did 30 pushups between each set. Over 300+ pushups. Sore shoulders.


Strength: Front Squat

185x3, 205x3, 225 2x3, 185 5x5

Metcon: 4 Rounds

25 Pull ups
25 Situps with 35lb plate overhead
25 Ring Pushups

Time: I forgot to set the timer. I was moving pretty good. It was a good wod.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



50 pullups w/ 25lb vest
Time: 3:04


Push press: 125 2x3, 145 2x3, 155 2x3, 160 2x3

Power clean: 150 5x5

Metcon: 4 rounds

15 power snatch 75lb
20 t2b
800m run

Time: 24:26

On the slow side but I was ok with it. It's just nice to finally run again. My speed will come back. I'm also committed to gaining 15-18 lbs so I'm eating a lot more. For lunch today I had 3 large chicken breasts and broccoli. Then for dinner I had a double bacon burger + one extra bacon burger w/o the bun from 5 Guys. Then I just downed a 60g protein shake w/ whole milk. I'll probably drink about 28 more oz of whole milk before I go to bed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Dips: 5x20

Dead Hang Pullups: 5x10


Front Squat: 185x3, 205x3, 225 3x3

Split Jerk: 165, 185, 205

I was planning on going higher on the split jerk but I honestly think my shoulders are still tired from Fran, which I wasn't expecting. Anyway, poor performance on the Split Jerk.

Metcon: 4 Rounds

5 DL 315
400m Run

Time: 9:42

This was a crappy work out. I feel like I'm losing overall strength. Time to start drinking more milk again.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Metcon: FRAN!!!!

15        Thrusters 95lb/Pullups

Time: 3:42 (PR)

First time I've done it since about July/August. I saw a bunch of people doing it today so I axed my programmed WOD and did it. I PR'd by 1:04. I hate that WOD. I probably won't do it for another year.

Saturday, April 16, 2011




Strength: CFT!!!

Press: 135 (PR)
BS: 310 (PR)
DL: 365 :(

CFT: 810 (PR)

My previous CFT was back in the fall. I got 125 on the press, so I increased my press by 10 and got a PR. I previously got 275 on my squat. My previous PR on my BS was 300 at the beginning of March. That was cool to get a PR on that.

My DL was laaaaaaame. I failed on 390, 380, 375. My previous CFT and PR was 385. I lost 20lbs on my DL. That's definitely something I'm going to work on in the upcoming weeks. I want my DL to be in the 430-445 range. I've been comfortable repping out 250-275. I obviously need to increase my load to 325-345 in my WODS.

My previous CFT was 785, so I increased it by 25lbs which is awesome.


Strength: Bench
135x10, 155x5, 165x5, 175 3x3, 180x3, 185x3

Metcon: 4 Rounds

400m Run
50 Pullups
50 Pushups

I honestly can't remember my time. It was in the 20's. I forgot to post after the WOD yesterday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Skill: Hang Power Clean

135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 170x3, 175x3

That's the first time in a long time that I've been able to do cleans without my elbow flaring up.

Metcon: Tommy V (variation)

21 Thrusters 115lb
36 Pullups
15 Thrusters
27 Pullups
9 Thrusters
18 Pullups

Time: 11:52

Man, this has been an off week.



Back Squat: 225x5, 245 3x5

Squats felt super easy today. Could have and should have gone MUCH heavier. I'll hit it super heavy on Friday or Saturday. I should go for a 1RM again, as it's been about 6 weeks.

Metcon: 4 Rounds
250m Row
10 Push Press 145lb
30 Dips

Time: 21:56

Again, super slow. I feel like I'm losing my metcon endurance and speed. I've put on a little weight and haven't been focusing much on the short/intense WODs and I think that has hurt my speed to some extent. WODs that I should be getting 14-15 minutes on are taking me 19-20. Oh well, just something else I need to work on.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



Front Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 205x3, 225x3

Squat felt weak today. I'll squat again tomorrow.


3 Rounds
30 KB 2
30 Burpees
60 Situps

Time: 21:06

Holy Crap I'm slow this week.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Metcon: 5 Rounds

10 Deadlifts 250
15 Box Jumps
20 Pull Ups

Time: Not even going to post. Slow.

On Saturday I did a huge chipper that made me sick. I can't remember all the components but it was hard.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Strength: split jerk

135x2, 155x1, 170x1, 185x1, 205x1, 215x1 PR

215 went up on the first try which was cool.

Metcon: 4 rounds

400m run
25 burpees

Time: 14:42

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x5, 165 3x5

Metcon: 3 Rounds

500m Row
50 Lunges
65 Pullups

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Metcon: 10 rounds

3 PC 135lb
12 KB 2pd

Time: 18:26

Hard/good wod. I had a super tight back. I should have programmed smarter. I can't do dl's and then cleans the next day.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Skill: 100 pullups


Back squat (again): 225x5, 255 3x5 PR
That was a PR for my 3x5. My 1RM is still 300, but I hadn't gone for a 3x5 in months.

Deadlift: 225x5, 275x5, 305x3, 315x2, 330x1, 340x3 PR
That's also a 3RM. My 1RM is 385. I should be able to beat that now. I don't have the plates to go heavier than that though. I need to buy some.

Monday, April 4, 2011



Back squat: 225x2, 245x2, 255x2, 265x2, 275x2

Push press: 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 160 3x3

I'm going to squat again tomorrow because it felt super weak today.

Metcon: 3 rounds 2 min amrap push press 110lb 2 min rest


I forgot to post on Saturday that I did JT.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Metcon: 21-18-15-12-9

Hpc 115lb

Time: 16:52

I was shooting for a time in the 14-16 minute range. That's what the top times were. I'll be doing heavy back squat tonight.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Strength: split jerk

165 5x3

I had been doing rack position so I did them from the front today. I wanted to do sets at mid-weight.


135x10, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 180 3x3

Metcon: 4 rounds

20 push press 95lb
25 burpees
30 pullups

Time: 20:26

Super hard wod. I wanted to do a mentally challenging push/pull wod. I took too many breaks in the second round. The third and fourth I was moving.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Metcon: AMRAP 20 min

2 DL 315lb
8 Ring Dips

Rounds: 14

Super good WOD. I was sweating so much it was crazy. My DL has gotten weaker just because I've been trying to rest my back a bit over the past 6 weeks. My goal was to get just 13 rounds, so I was glad I beat that.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Strength: Front Squat

185x1, 205x1, 225x1, 235x1, 245x1 PR, 250x1 (f)

Metcon: 5 Rounds

15 Power Snatch 75 lbs.
20 FS 75 lbs.
25 Sit ups

Time: 18:06

Holy crap I was slow. I had a cough attack in between the 1st and 2nd rounds and that took a lot of my time. There is no reason that WOD should have taken that long.

I did, however, get a PR on my front squat. That was a 10 lb. PR. I failed on 250. I was thinking of trying it for a second and third time but it was getting late. It's almost 10:00pm and I just finished. I'm still going to do 300 pushups while watching TV.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Strength: thrusters 7x3

135x3, 140x3, 145x3, 150x3, 155x3, 160 2x3


75 squats
50 pullups
20 dips
50 squat
35 pullups
20 dips
25 squats
20 pullups
10 dips

Time: 9:26

I killed this wod. Both of these were the mainsite wods for yesterday and today and on the metcon I beat most people by 2-3 minutes. Good wods to rest my back.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Skill: 4x30 Pull Ups


800m run
21 DL 225
800m run
21 DL 225
800m run

Time: 13:46

I officially have lower back issues. It's not just muscle tightness like I originally thought. While running the second 800 I can feel a sharp pinch at the base of my spine and it was with each step. Not cool. Oh well, I'll just program running wods with lifts that don't use my back at all. I can do bodyweight + run chippers, run + presses/jerks, run + box jumps/burpees etc.

Tonight I'm doing a variation on a CrossFit classic. It's gonna be tough.

Metcon 2: 3 Rounds

30 kb
30 wb

Time: 8:46

Lower back is shot. I need a true rest day tomorrow and then smart programming for Monday and Tuesday.

Friday, March 25, 2011


5x20 Ring Dips

Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x10, 165x5, 175x5, 185x1, 190x1


100 pc/j 95 lbs.

Time: 18:52.


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Strength: split jerk

135, 150, 165, 185, 205, 215f

205 went up easy but I couldn't get under 215 for some reason. My third try was close. I'll give it a try on Saturday again.

Metcon: 3 rounds

4 hspu
8 jerk 135
12 burpees

Time: 9:02

I was slow. My shoulders were on fire.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Pull Ups: 7x20


Back Squat: 225x3, 255x3, 260x3, 270x3, 275x3

Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 170 3x5

Metcon: 3 Rounds

15 Deadlifts 255
30 Air Squats
500m Row

Monday, March 21, 2011


I went to Tianna's gym this morning because I'm on spring break and she wanted me to come with her. Holy crap, that's the last time I'll go to a regular gym. I seriously felt so awkward in there and I felt like I was cheating on CF.

I did heavy DL's while there and also messed around with my push press at 155. I'll do a lot more push press and press this week.

Strength: Dead Lift

225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x3, 335x3


70 Burpees
60 Situps
50 KB
40 Pull Ups

Time: 15:02

This is the mainsite WOD for the day. Kristen Clever got like 9:57 using 1 pood KB. I beat the top Rx time by like 35 seconds or so. It's weird though cause I was honestly on pace to get in the upper 13's but then I did terrible on the HSPU's. Seriously I was dropping down after like 2-4. Usually I can do 22-10 and then a couple more. I think my shoulders were tired from this morning. It was still a fun WOD. It's the first chipper I've done in a long time.


Strength: front squat

135x5, 185x5, 205x3, 215x3, 220x3

Metcon: 5 rounds

7 burpees
14 kb 2pd
21 dips

Time: 11:52

Friday, March 18, 2011


Strength: Split Jerk

95x5, 135x1, 150x1, 165x1, 180x1, 200x1 PR, 210x1 PR

That was a huuuuge PR for me tonight. My previous PR was only 185 and it was back in June. I hadn't been heavy jerking for a while because it fell on my neck a while back and also my form had been super poor. I wanted to give it a try today though because I push pressed 160x5 with ease the other day and also 170 push jerk was going up easily. Anyway, 180 went up like it was nothing. Seriously it felt so easy that instead of taking it slow I went straight up to 200. It also went up fast but I had to stabilize it at the top. I went for 210 and failed the first two attempts. I slid under easy enough and had it over my head but for some reason I just couldn't lock it out. It didn't feel heavy, it was just a technique thing. On the third attempt I made sure to slide under super fast and lock out my arms and I had no problem at all standing it up. I didn't go for any heavier because it was already my third attempt at 210.

I'm super happy with that result today. I should be hitting 225 before too long. Now that I have my confidence back, I'll start doing working sets around 175-185 for the next two weeks to build up strength.

Metcon: Death by Pull Ups.

21 Rounds

My PR is 23 and change. I don't really care though cause of my jerk results.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Strength: Dead Lift

225x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x3, 330x3

Those all felt super solid and went up easily.




Time: 10:21

Oh man I was moving slow. Should have been a 6:30-7 minute WOD. I wasn't even THAT tired but I was taking huge breaks. CrossFit has not been kind to me this week. I've definitely been metabolically challenged this week. Pushups are even making me winded! It's just not my week.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Strength: Back Squat

225 5x8

I needed to rest my elbow a bit because it's still hurting from yesterday and I didn't use it at all. Instead of going heavy and low rep, I wanted to go medium weight and higher rep. They were going up even faster at the end which was nice. It was kind of nice to just do some strength tonight instead of trying to squeeze in a metcon too.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Strength: Bench

135x10, 150x5, 160x5, 170x3, 180x2, 185x5

My tendonitis is killing me.

Metcon: Wittman 7 rounds

15 kb
15 pc 95lb
15 box j

This is the second time I've tried this WOD and haven't been able to finish it. It's been the same thing both times. My lower back tightens up to the point that I can hardly move. I think it's the combination of kb and pc. I'm bummed.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Skill: 3x33 Ring Dips


Push Press: 135x5, 150x3, 155x3, 160x3 PR

Back Squat: 225x5, 255x3, 265x3

On the back squats I thought I was moving up to 275 and I couldn't lift it. I thought I was just having a bad lifting day only to realize about 10 minutes later that I had 305 on the bar. Oh well, I'll squat again on Wednesday.

Push Press felt good and went up easy today. I haven't done push press strength in forever. 160x3 was a PR for me but I could definitely do more on singles.

Metcon: 7 Rounds w/ 25 lb. vest

10 wb
10 pull ups

Time: 8:10

I modified this WOD a bit to make it harder. The mainsite WOD was w/o the vest and they were getting in the 4-5 minute range. I obviously did it with the vest and I was breathing pretty hard. Good WOD.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Strength: Dead Lift

225x3, 255x3, 275x3, 295x3, 315x3

Those went up easily.

Metcon: Roy

5 Rounds:

15 Dead Lifts 225 lbs
20 Box Jumps
25 Pullups

Time: 23:52

Terrible time today. That's about 3 minutes slower than my PR. In comparison to the CF community its still a great time but I just hate not beating PR's. I should've programmed this for the beginning of the week. I always trick myself into thinking I'll have tons of energy for burly WODs on Saturdays, and I never do.
I'm just glad I finished this one. I almost quit like 4 times, haha.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Strength: Split Jerk

135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 160x3, 170x3

The last set went up super easy but my tendonitis kicked in big-time and that was the last set that I could do. Had I done 10 sets of singles I could've pushed for 190-ish. It's been a long time since I've done jerks so they felt relatively easy which was nice.

Metcon 1:


SDHP/Push Press 75 lbs.

Time: 7:48

I was moving pretty slow. I definitely should have taken a rest day today. That should have been a 5 minute to sub-5 WOD. I don't really care though.

Metcon 2:

100 KB

Time: 4:57 PR

I took about a 5 minute break in between WODs and was able to pull off a PR even with a bum elbow. I think my previous PR was like 5:40-something. I felt weak today and was still able to get a PR which was nice.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Strength: Lynne

5 Rounds Max Reps: Body Weight Bench Press (140 lbs) + Pull Ups

21/36, 20/38, 18/35, 18/35, 17/40

My arms are literally shaking right now. That was sosososososo hard. I freaking killed it though. I blew the competition out of the water. Austin Malleolo was getting 13/29, 11/28, 10/15 on his last three rounds. James Hobart: 9/33, 7/30, 6/26 on his last 3 and his max bench was 13. Granted he weighs 180, but we're all lifting our body weight.

I got pissed at myself on the last round for only getting 17 bench presses and pulled out 40 pullups. Those silly CrossFit guys sure know what they're doing though. Who knew that this combo would cause so much fatigue. I've never felt so much shoulder fatigue other than the first two times doing JT.

I need Advil. I aggravated my tendonitis in a major way. Oh well, it was worth it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Skill: 5x11 Dead Hang Pull Ups

Strength: Back Squat

135x5, 225x5, 255x3, 275x3



Power Cleans 115 lbs

Time: 12:21

For some reason the hardest metabolic WODs, for me at least, are ones with cleans in them. They are  even harder than thrusters, rowing, burpees. I get absolutely gassed when I do cleans. They're my least favorite lift by far...and my worst. Dang.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Strength: Ring Dips w/ 30 lb. vest


Skill: Press

5x7 95 lbs.

Metcon: Diane

Dead Lifts 225 lbs
Hand Stand Push Ups

Time: 5:03 PR

Huge PR today. My previous time was 7:40 and Alex's PR was 5:26. It was a pretty solid performance for a smaller guy like me. Some of the heavy guys get in the low 3's. I think I can get there in a couple of months.



10x20 Pull Ups


5x5 Push Press 140 lbs.

I did this the other day and forgot to post. I was planning on doing much more but then spent 3 1/2 hours in the ER with Bentley...he's fine.

This week I'm literally going to kill myself on both strength and metcon's. It's starting to get marginally warmer so there will be a lot more running incorporated in my WODs. Tonight I'm doing an amped up version of Diane + DL strength and dip strength.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Metcon: Filthy 50

50 Box Jumps
50 J-Pull Ups
50 Walking Lunges
50 Kb
50 Push Press 45 lbs
50 K2E
50 BE
50 WB
50 Burpees
50 DU's

Time: 22:33 PR

Knees to Elbow and burpees were sloooow. I was probably getting 12 burpees/minute. Still, I think I think I beat my PR by like 7 minutes. I was shooting for 19-20 minutes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Skill: 3 Rounds Max Rep Ring Dips


Strength: Press

5x3 110 lbs.

Metcon: Elizabeth

9   Cleans/Dips

Not even going to post my time it was so bad. I was so far off my PR it was pathetic. Cleans have always been a MAJOR weakness of mine and at this point I'm not too sure how to increase the strength. I guess I just don't do them enough. I also don't press/push press/jerk enough.

I'm finding that it's hard to work on weaknesses while still maintaining and improving my strengths. I just don't have the time at night. It's hard for me because I want to do a metcon every day. I think I just need to choose shorter metcons while I work on clean/shoulder strength.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Front Squat/Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1

The idea is to go up in weight each set.

Front Squat: 195, 215 PR, 220 PR, 230 PR, 235 PR
Back Squat: 245, 255, 275, 290 PR, 300 PR

Metcon: 4 rounds

500 m Row
7 Thrusters 135 lbs.

Time: 15:57

My goal was to get anything with a 15 on it and I barely made it:) This was a mainsite WOD a while back that I've been planning to do for some time now. It fit in well today because of the heavy squat session right before. I'm sure my time would have been much faster had I not lifted heavy, but I like to have a metcon that has the same strength movement. Heather Bergeron got 15:53, Hack got 11:45 and there were other times in the 12-13 minute range from the top athletes.

The squats were awesome today. Obviously I set tons of PR's which was sweet. This was my first time hitting 300 which was cool. It was hard, but it went up. Also, I've already reached my goals that I set in January that I was trying to reach by the second week of May. I've at least hit the squat goals. I still need to hit the clean, deadlift and bench goals.


Skill: 10x10 Pull Ups with 30 lb. vest

Metcon: Randy

75 Power Snatches 75 lbs.

Time: 6:46 PR

I thought I would get a faster time. My previous PR was 6:53 and my last time was like 7:14. Still a PR and an improvement, but I honestly thought I would've scored faster. Next time.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Warm Up: 500 m row


Press: 95x5, 105 5x5

Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 180x3

Metcon: 7 Rounds

10 Hang Power Cleans 120 lbs.
15 Pull Ups

Time: 13:14

Slow. My grip was shot.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I didn't post yesterday because I started to do Roy and after 1.5 rounds my back tightened up so bad I had to stop. I took a little break and then did like 180 or so pull ups and about 30 hspu's. I had to stop the hspu's because any time I arched my back it started to hurt.



Power Clean: 95x10, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5

Out of all the lifts, I'm still taking the cleans slowly so as not to aggravate my tendonitis. The lifts were easy today. I'll start getting heavier in a couple weeks.

Metcon: Blake

4 Rounds

100 Foot, Over-head Walking Lunge 45 lb.
30 Box Jumps
20 WB

Time: 22:45

I'm not gonna lie, I was moving slow today. My time wasn't even competitive. It should have been in the 17-18 minute range. I don't care though, my body didn't even want to do a WOD today. I'm just glad I got one in. That was 4 Hero WOD's for the week and a couple PR's in lifts. Overall a pretty solid week.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Metcon: Jack

AMRAP 20 min

10 Push Press 115 lbs.
10 KB
10 Box Jumps

Rounds: 9

That was pretty solid. I was shooting for 10 rounds so I fell a little short but I still did pretty well. This is the WOD that Mikko freakin killed it in. But the CF community was scoring in the 7-9 round range. So, the fact that I scored on the high end of that was nice.

I'm loving the Hero WODs. I have two more to do. Tomorrow is Forrest and Saturday is Helton. Helton will probably be one of the hardest WODs I've ever done. It's harder than Badger.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Front Squat: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x3, 205x1, 210x5 PR

Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5


Pull Ups: 4x30
Dips: 2x30, 3x12 w/ 20 lb. vest

I was planning on doing another Hero WOD today but my body was screaming no. Nothing felt strong today. I'm surprised I even PR'd on the FS. Had I been fresh I could have pushed all of them much harder.
Today was essentially an active rest day in my book.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Metcon: Mr. Joshua

5 Rounds

400 m Run
60 Sit Ups
15 Dead Lifts 250 lbs.

Time: 34:12

Another Hero WOD. I've never done this one before and it looks like I actually had a solid time. I've seen 3-5 times in the 27-29 minute range and the rest in the 35-45 minute range. Nice to know that I'm still scoring on the faster side even with the heavier weight.

This entire week I'm doing Hero WODs. They're the hardest WODs mentally and physically. I prefer them to the Girl WODs because they tend to be longer, which is what I need work on.

My DL's were alright. I think I did them 8-7, 8-4-3, 9-6, 8-7, 9-6. The fifth round was ugly. Rounds 1-4 looked good.


Metcon: Danny


30 Box Jumps
20 Push Press 115 lbs.
30 Pull Ups

Rounds: 3 + 7 Push Press PR

That's a really hard WOD. It may not look like a lot of rounds, but the top scores I've ever seen were in the low to mid 4 rounds with one guy barely getting to 5 rounds. The box jumps take any spring out of the push press so you essentially have to press it. If anything, the WOD pointed out another weakness of mine: box jumps!

My previous PR was only 3 rounds, which was weak. At least I added 37 reps to yesterdays performance. Not my favorite WOD I've ever done, but still hard.

Saturday, February 19, 2011



Back Squat: 185x5, 205x5, 225x3, 240x3, 255x3, 270x5 PR

Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x3, 300x3, 315x3, 325x5

That's a huge PR on my Back Squat and I wasn't even planning on it. My 1RM on my last CF Total was 275. I was able to do 270x5 easily. I got a little off balance on the third rep but I was able to stabilize my right knee and the rest went up well. My previous 5RM was 240 I think. They were just feeling solid tonight so I kept pushing it and they went up easily. I wouldn't be surprised if my 1RM is in the 300's now.

The DL's weren't as solid as the BS. The last lifts, at 325 weren't pretty. They went up, but they weren't pretty. I haven't done DL's in about 12 days because my lower back had been hurting me. My back felt fine tonight but the lift is weak. I'll do a metcon this up coming week with DL's in them.


4x30 Dips


Friday, February 18, 2011


Metcon: 20 AMRAP

1 clean/jerk 115 lbs.
1 kb
1 wb

2 c/j
2 kb
2 wb etc.

Rounds: 9+2

Devin stole this WOD from Jenny and NWCF. Devin got 10+6 at 110 lbs. and doing squat cleans through 7 rounds. I did it a little heavier, not much, and did squat cleans through all rounds. Cleans and the squat felt good. My shoulders have been over worked this week for sure.

I was planning on doing a body weight chipper today but I couldn't resist trying to beat Devin once I saw him post his score. Had I not done 100 thrusters yesterday I think I would've faired better. My shoulders are seriously shot. I should've been in the 11 round range. Oh well.

Tomorrow is a strength day: Back Squat, Dead Lift and weighted Dips.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Metcon: Coe

10 rounds

10 Thrusters 95lbs
10 Ring Push Ups

Time: 17:11

I wanted to get a hero WOD in this week and I'd never done Coe. I was surprised that I wasn't breathing too hard but my shoulders were killing me. That should have been a 12 minute WOD but I was a wuss. I've done a bunch of thrusters lately and that's on purpose. I want to increase leg and shoulder strength and thrusters do it quickly. The squat felt easy today which was nice. Could've gone faster but still fun.


Yesterday I just had an active rest day.

I just played around with my split and push jerk at 135. I had planned on doing Eva yesterday but it started to snow and there was no way that I was running in the snow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Strength: Front Squat
135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 190x5, 205 3x3


500 m row
30 bench press body weight (140 lbs)
1k row
20 bench press
2k row
10 bench press

Time: 24:11

This was a mainsite WOD June 14, 2010, and Kristan Clever got 23:55. Again, not too shabby. Anytime I'm within seconds or even a minute of the top times, I'm feeling pretty good.

I kept about a 2 minute pace on the row. Obviously if it had been intervals of 500m I would have pushed for a 1:45-1:48 pace. However, because of the longer rows I knew I had to pace myself a little more and I was right. My legs were burning because of the front squats and every time I tried to sprint I would just get gassed.

The presses were solid. I did 12-9-9, then 12-8, then 10.

Good WOD.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Skill: 6x25 Pull ups

Metcon: 30 Reps

Rollout-->Squat Clean-->Thruster 115 lbs.

Time: 10:54

Really, really hard WOD. This was a WOD I saw on the mainsite that another gym did during the summer. They did it at 95 lbs and were getting in the 7 minute range. I decided to increase the weight and it was hard. The cleans were easy and so was the press but the squat got hard after about 16 or 17. It definitely highlighted my weakness.

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Bench: 135x12, 145x10, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 135 3x12

Push Press: 95x10, 110x5, 125x5, 135 3x5

Metcon: 4 Rounds

15 kb
20 dips
25 pull ups

Time: 9:56

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm super annoyed. I took a rest day yesterday so that I could hit it hard today and do a two-a-day on Saturday only to get the tightest back in the world only two rounds into my WOD today. I literally had to stop because even box jumps were hurting my back. I'm not sure what's going on but it was annoying because today I was doing the new Hero WOD Wittman.

Tomorrow will just have to be a strength day cause I can't move too fast. I'll squat, press, bench, pull ups and dips.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Skill: I used this essentially as my warm up. 3x10 hang power cleans 95 lbs.

Metcon: Ledesma

AMRAP 20 mins

10 Toes-through-Rings
15 Medicine Ball Cleans

Rounds: 9 + 5 HSPU + 4 Toes-through-Rings

HSPU's were on 45 lb. plates, thus increasing the range of motion. The WOD asked for paralettes but I haven't made a pair of those yet. I at least tried to simulate the greater depth on the HSPU and did forehead to ground.

My score was pretty legit with Austin Malleolo getting 10 + 2 HSPU and Kris Clever getting 8 + 9 cleans.

I'm already getting a lot bigger. I've started to drink between 1/4 gallon and 1/2 gallon of whole milk every day. I've put on 4-5 pounds and haven't sacrificed any speed. I'm also drinking about 2 46g protein shakes/day. I'm pretty sure I'm getting around 150g of protein/day but finally with more calories.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Metcon: Daniel

50 Pull ups
400 m run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs
800 m run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs
400 m run
50 Pull ups

Time: 14:57 PR

Daniel is a great WOD. This is the third time I've done it and I was able to get a PR relatively easily. Well, it felt pretty easy during the WOD but then after the WOD I lost it and threw up everywhere:) First time that has happened since I've been using my home gym.

I thought my previous time was pretty decent, 15 minutes and change but really even my new PR isn't that fast. This WOD could realistically be done in the 12:30-13:00 range. My thrusters are still pretty weak, took tons of breaks and still got a PR. I was happy to get a PR but next time I do this it will be much faster.

Yesterday was also the first time I've ran in over 2 months. It was freezing. I can't stand running in cold weather. I prefer to row but I don't like making any subs in the Hero WODS. This is a Hero WOD week, with Ledesma on Wednesday,  Badger on Thursday and Michael on Friday. Should be fun.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Strength: Bench

135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 165 3x5

Metcon: 100 burpee-pull ups

Time: 10:00

I got 10:00 flat, not joking. I was shooting for 11/minute but was only able to sustain that til about 50. I then had to scale back a bit because I could tell that I was getting fatigued. Again, it wasn't too difficult metabolically, which was surprising, but my shoulders were on fire. They were already pretty tired from the bench that I did 1 minute before starting.

Still, 10 minutes flat isn't too bad. Austin Malleolo got the top time with 8:38 and I beat Kris Clever by 1:30 and Josh Everett by 3:16. Overall it was a good WOD. Anytime that I'm beating top competitors, guys and girls, I'm happy with my result.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Skill: I did this after the metcon--
100 dips
DB curls:)

Metcon: Diane

21 Deadlifts 225, HSPU

Time: 7:47 PR

My previous PR was 8:40. This is the type of WOD that is made for "the big guy." It's not metabolically challenging but moving that weight for speed is going to be hard for someone my weight. Some of the big guys can do this WOD in 3:00 or less. While 225 isn't even that heavy for me, the middle of the round of 15 always gets me. Also, my lower back was super tight from Randy two days ago. I still got a PR though which was cool.

The HSPU's were easy, easiest they've ever been. I did 19/2, 15, 9 without breaking a sweat. I'd love to get this WOD into the 5's which is realistic for me. My DL needs to get stronger, and not just stronger on the 1RM, but the ability to move substantial weight quickly. I think I'll start doing DL WODs with 255-275 in order to build the 225 strength/speed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Skill: 4x10 Deadlift 225
I wanted to work on my form. My chest has been dropping a bit on my lifts. This time around I kept it up and shoulders squared. They looked good and it was easy.

Metcon: Randy

75 Power Snatches 75 lbs


My PR is 6:53. I didn't beat it which was a bummer but it still felt like a good, fast WOD. This was actually the first time I've repeated a WOD and not beaten my previous time. I'll get it next time though. This was still a good gauge to see where I'm at.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


max rep pull ups: 46 PR
dead hang pull ups: 5x12

Strength: Deadlift

225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x3, 315x3

315 felt heavy today. I was still super sore from yesterday so today was essentially an active rest day. Tomorrow will be much more intense. Need more protein. I weighed in at only 139, freaking 139. That's disgusting. I need to gain 15 pounds fast. I can't believe I've lost so much weight.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x5, 160x3, 165x1, 170 3x3
Bench is definitely a lift that most crossfitters neglect, me included. I'll probably start to do bench roughly once a week to increase some shoulder strength.

Front Squat: 135x5, 155x7, 175x5, 185x3, 190x3, 200 3x3
Front squat's felt good today. I was planning on doing a 5x3 at 190 but it was going up easily so I decided to do a 3x3 at 200. I felt like I could have done more which was encouraging.

Metcon: 3 Rounds

7 Front Squats 155lbs
14 KB
21 Box Jumps

Time: 7:46

I was hoping to get in the 6:00 range but my legs were spent from the front squats I did earlier. I was surprised at how tired they were. Oh well, I still had fun with this WOD.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Skill: 4x27 ring dips

metcon: 3 rounds

10 push press 120lbs
20 pullups
30 sit ups

time: 10:34

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Metcon: 3 Rounds

30 Toes-to-Bar
21 Ground-to-Overhead 95 lbs.

This WOD is deceptively hard, like many CF WODs. It was also part two of the triplet (final WOD) at the CF Games last year. I felt like I was moving at a snails pace, and my cardio is still suffering big time. But, I was still able to beat my previous PR by 7 seconds.

Time: 16:01

I obviously got hardly any strength in this week. Mom came on Friday for Bentley's birthday so that took up my weekend essentially. This next week will probably have more strength + shorter (5-8 min) metcons.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


10x20 pull ups

Metcon: 4 Rounds

25 Burpees
25 KB
25 Sit ups

Time: 16:34

Classic CF metcon. The burpees absolutely killed my time. My traps were burning too because of all the pull ups I did beforehand. I was thinking it was going to be a 12 minute WOD but I underestimated the burpees for sure.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Skill: 4x25 ring dips

Metcon: Jackie

1000 m row
50 thrusters 45 lbs
30 pull ups

Time: 8:33

Most of the times I saw on the main site were between 10-17 minutes so I was happy with my time. Next time it'll be sub-8. I was tired midway through the thrusters and took way too long of a break. I did alright though.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Push Press: 95x10, 105x5, 115x5, 135 3x5
Front Squat: 135x5, 165x5, 185x2, 190 3x5

The lifts felt pretty good today. I'm looking for an increase in reps and/or weight each week so I made some progress.

Metcon: 10 min Mary

10 Pistols
15 Pull ups

7 rounds in 10 minutes

Pistols are definitely a skill and a skill that I lack. At about round 4 my legs loosened up and they started to feel a little more natural. Overall, I was satisfied with my result. If I had more time I could've done the entire 20 min AMRAP, maybe next week.

Time to do push ups.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Strength day. We'll see if I've gotten any stronger in a week.


DL: 230x5, 260 3x7, 285x5
BS: 205x5, 225x5, 230 5x3

Metcon: a quick one

100 kb swings for time 53 lb, every minute on the minute 5 burpees.

Time: 5:35

The lifts were easy today. I could have done more but I want to stay on track and not push it too much. This past week I focused on getting my protein in. I'm eating about 150 grams of protein every day and I'm weighing 140 right now. I'd love to get back up to 155 like I was back in August.

The weight felt comfortable and the squats had quite a bit of speed going up which was nice. I had only planned on doing 275x5 for the DL but decided to up it 10 lbs because it was going up easily as well.

I want to hit these weights before the second week of May, when my finals are over:

Back Squat: 305
Dead Lift: 405
Press: 140
Clean: 190
Front Squat: 235
Pull Ups: 55

All of those are completely realistic being that my BS is currently 275, DL: 385, Press: 125, Clean: 175, Front Squat: 205, Pull Ups: 42.


I took a rest day yesterday. I'll be doing strength + a Metcon today.

Skill: 4x25 pull ups with a 20 lb. vest.


Bench- 145 3x10, so weak. It went up easy though.

WOD 1: 7 rounds
10 Hang Power Clean 105
10 OH Lunge 45 lb plate
10 Wall Ball

Time: 10:17

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


4x25 ring push ups


Front Squat: 135x5, 155x3, 175x2, 185 5x3
Power Clean: 95x10, 115x5, 135 3x5, 145 3x5
Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x5, 160 3x5

Wow, my lifts are weak. My power clean was pathetic. I'm learning that I'm not as patient as I want to be. This is always what gets me into trouble...I know I can perform at a certain level based on previous WODS/lifts and then I get super bummed and impatient because I'm not there and breaking those previous records. I need more protein...and steroids.


5x20 Ring Dips

Metcon: 5 Rounds
250 m row
12 push press 95 lbs
20 box jumps


Again, super slow and my shoulders were feeling it after all the dips. I did the 100 dips in probably 3:30, so they were burning during the WOD.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Took a rest day yesterday because I was too sore from JT. JT is always a surprising WOD a day or two after you do it. It doesn't look like much but it kills your triceps and shoulders.

I will be doing double duty today.

WOD 1:

5x25 pull ups


Press 5x5 95 lbs. Easing my way back into shoulders so I don't re-aggravate my tendonitis.

Deadlift 5x5 225 lbs. Also, easing my way back into heavier weights. I typically go too heavy, too quickly which then causes injuries which in turn causes me to skip days. Hopefully a more gradual reintroduction will help me stay healthy.

WOD 2: Tonight

Strength: BS 5x3 225


With a 20 lb vest:


Thrusters 95 lbs
Time: 13:46

That was so hard it was amazing. It was essentially Fran, +13, but the weighted vest made the thrusters SO much harder. My Fran PR is 4:40, so I was obviously way off that mark. However, the weighted vest, the extra reps and lack of cardio definitely played a part in the slow-ish time.

Overall, I'm still satisfied with the WOD because I'm already getting to the point where the nausea is going away and I'm able to take less and less breaks during the WOD. Still a ways to go until I'm happy with my performance, but I'm making progress.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I think I'm going to have to fix my WOD schedule already. I just don't have the time or energy to do both strength and a metcon the same night. So the new plan is to workout 6 days a week: 3 strength and 3 metcons. I'll probably do 2 longer metcons and 1 shorter metcon.

Metcon: JT
21, 15, 9
Ring Dips


Not a PR but not bad actually. My PR is 10:20.

So tomorrow will be DL, Press strength and maybe some kettle bell skill work.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


6x10 dead hang pull ups

4 rounds:
10 FS 95 lbs
20 pull ups
30 sit ups

I did terrible today. That should have been a sub-10 WOD, easily. I had zero intensity. I also didn't have any time for strength today so I chose to repeat the dead hang pull ups.

Tomorrow should be a rough one and a good one to make up for today's terrible showing. It's my first attempt at a Hero WOD since October.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


5x10 dead hang pull-ups

5k row: 21:58

This sucked and I definitely could have pushed myself harder on the row. My fastest 1k was probably the 5th. I definitely had more to give but I didn't feel like throwing up. I'm glad it was under 22 mins...barely.

Friday, January 7, 2011


So I didn't get off to the best start to my new program. Last night I wasn't able to workout because I was helping Tianna out with a party she was having. I had to take care of the boys and help make a ton of food. So now it's Friday morning/afternoon and I just did my make up WOD.

WOD 1--

Strength: BS 5x3 225 lbs.
That was way harder than it should have been. Keep in mind, I haven't worked out consistently since Halloween so I'm actually surprised I was even able to put that up.

Metcon: 5 Rounds
7 DL 225 lbs
12 burpees
17 KB 1.5 pood
= 16:50

Super slow, but I'm just happy I finished under 20 minutes. Little by little my conditioning will improve.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Start of 2011

My new years resolution regarding working out/crossfit is to work out 5 times/week. Two out of the five workouts will be short metcons coupled with heavy DL, BS, P, J, CL, FS. The other three metcons will be around the 20-25 minute range. Those days I will warm up and work on a skill or something like weighted pull ups.

I think this year I'm going to focus less on the body weight movements since I can already post top scores on those and incorporate the barbell more into the metcons. WODS that I typically did at body weight will now be done with the 20# weighted vest. Hopefully by February I will be back in shape and will then start to do at least 1-2 Hero WODs each week.

My current PR's that I hope to improve on:

CFT: 780 (DL, P, BS)
Angie: 12:48
Barbara: 27:46
Daniel: 14:51
Cindy: 28 rounds
Helen: 7:21

I will write down today's WOD and results after I finish it this afternoon.