Monday, January 31, 2011


Skill: 4x27 ring dips

metcon: 3 rounds

10 push press 120lbs
20 pullups
30 sit ups

time: 10:34

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Metcon: 3 Rounds

30 Toes-to-Bar
21 Ground-to-Overhead 95 lbs.

This WOD is deceptively hard, like many CF WODs. It was also part two of the triplet (final WOD) at the CF Games last year. I felt like I was moving at a snails pace, and my cardio is still suffering big time. But, I was still able to beat my previous PR by 7 seconds.

Time: 16:01

I obviously got hardly any strength in this week. Mom came on Friday for Bentley's birthday so that took up my weekend essentially. This next week will probably have more strength + shorter (5-8 min) metcons.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


10x20 pull ups

Metcon: 4 Rounds

25 Burpees
25 KB
25 Sit ups

Time: 16:34

Classic CF metcon. The burpees absolutely killed my time. My traps were burning too because of all the pull ups I did beforehand. I was thinking it was going to be a 12 minute WOD but I underestimated the burpees for sure.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Skill: 4x25 ring dips

Metcon: Jackie

1000 m row
50 thrusters 45 lbs
30 pull ups

Time: 8:33

Most of the times I saw on the main site were between 10-17 minutes so I was happy with my time. Next time it'll be sub-8. I was tired midway through the thrusters and took way too long of a break. I did alright though.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Push Press: 95x10, 105x5, 115x5, 135 3x5
Front Squat: 135x5, 165x5, 185x2, 190 3x5

The lifts felt pretty good today. I'm looking for an increase in reps and/or weight each week so I made some progress.

Metcon: 10 min Mary

10 Pistols
15 Pull ups

7 rounds in 10 minutes

Pistols are definitely a skill and a skill that I lack. At about round 4 my legs loosened up and they started to feel a little more natural. Overall, I was satisfied with my result. If I had more time I could've done the entire 20 min AMRAP, maybe next week.

Time to do push ups.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Strength day. We'll see if I've gotten any stronger in a week.


DL: 230x5, 260 3x7, 285x5
BS: 205x5, 225x5, 230 5x3

Metcon: a quick one

100 kb swings for time 53 lb, every minute on the minute 5 burpees.

Time: 5:35

The lifts were easy today. I could have done more but I want to stay on track and not push it too much. This past week I focused on getting my protein in. I'm eating about 150 grams of protein every day and I'm weighing 140 right now. I'd love to get back up to 155 like I was back in August.

The weight felt comfortable and the squats had quite a bit of speed going up which was nice. I had only planned on doing 275x5 for the DL but decided to up it 10 lbs because it was going up easily as well.

I want to hit these weights before the second week of May, when my finals are over:

Back Squat: 305
Dead Lift: 405
Press: 140
Clean: 190
Front Squat: 235
Pull Ups: 55

All of those are completely realistic being that my BS is currently 275, DL: 385, Press: 125, Clean: 175, Front Squat: 205, Pull Ups: 42.


I took a rest day yesterday. I'll be doing strength + a Metcon today.

Skill: 4x25 pull ups with a 20 lb. vest.


Bench- 145 3x10, so weak. It went up easy though.

WOD 1: 7 rounds
10 Hang Power Clean 105
10 OH Lunge 45 lb plate
10 Wall Ball

Time: 10:17

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


4x25 ring push ups


Front Squat: 135x5, 155x3, 175x2, 185 5x3
Power Clean: 95x10, 115x5, 135 3x5, 145 3x5
Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x5, 160 3x5

Wow, my lifts are weak. My power clean was pathetic. I'm learning that I'm not as patient as I want to be. This is always what gets me into trouble...I know I can perform at a certain level based on previous WODS/lifts and then I get super bummed and impatient because I'm not there and breaking those previous records. I need more protein...and steroids.


5x20 Ring Dips

Metcon: 5 Rounds
250 m row
12 push press 95 lbs
20 box jumps


Again, super slow and my shoulders were feeling it after all the dips. I did the 100 dips in probably 3:30, so they were burning during the WOD.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Took a rest day yesterday because I was too sore from JT. JT is always a surprising WOD a day or two after you do it. It doesn't look like much but it kills your triceps and shoulders.

I will be doing double duty today.

WOD 1:

5x25 pull ups


Press 5x5 95 lbs. Easing my way back into shoulders so I don't re-aggravate my tendonitis.

Deadlift 5x5 225 lbs. Also, easing my way back into heavier weights. I typically go too heavy, too quickly which then causes injuries which in turn causes me to skip days. Hopefully a more gradual reintroduction will help me stay healthy.

WOD 2: Tonight

Strength: BS 5x3 225


With a 20 lb vest:


Thrusters 95 lbs
Time: 13:46

That was so hard it was amazing. It was essentially Fran, +13, but the weighted vest made the thrusters SO much harder. My Fran PR is 4:40, so I was obviously way off that mark. However, the weighted vest, the extra reps and lack of cardio definitely played a part in the slow-ish time.

Overall, I'm still satisfied with the WOD because I'm already getting to the point where the nausea is going away and I'm able to take less and less breaks during the WOD. Still a ways to go until I'm happy with my performance, but I'm making progress.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I think I'm going to have to fix my WOD schedule already. I just don't have the time or energy to do both strength and a metcon the same night. So the new plan is to workout 6 days a week: 3 strength and 3 metcons. I'll probably do 2 longer metcons and 1 shorter metcon.

Metcon: JT
21, 15, 9
Ring Dips


Not a PR but not bad actually. My PR is 10:20.

So tomorrow will be DL, Press strength and maybe some kettle bell skill work.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


6x10 dead hang pull ups

4 rounds:
10 FS 95 lbs
20 pull ups
30 sit ups

I did terrible today. That should have been a sub-10 WOD, easily. I had zero intensity. I also didn't have any time for strength today so I chose to repeat the dead hang pull ups.

Tomorrow should be a rough one and a good one to make up for today's terrible showing. It's my first attempt at a Hero WOD since October.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


5x10 dead hang pull-ups

5k row: 21:58

This sucked and I definitely could have pushed myself harder on the row. My fastest 1k was probably the 5th. I definitely had more to give but I didn't feel like throwing up. I'm glad it was under 22 mins...barely.

Friday, January 7, 2011


So I didn't get off to the best start to my new program. Last night I wasn't able to workout because I was helping Tianna out with a party she was having. I had to take care of the boys and help make a ton of food. So now it's Friday morning/afternoon and I just did my make up WOD.

WOD 1--

Strength: BS 5x3 225 lbs.
That was way harder than it should have been. Keep in mind, I haven't worked out consistently since Halloween so I'm actually surprised I was even able to put that up.

Metcon: 5 Rounds
7 DL 225 lbs
12 burpees
17 KB 1.5 pood
= 16:50

Super slow, but I'm just happy I finished under 20 minutes. Little by little my conditioning will improve.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Start of 2011

My new years resolution regarding working out/crossfit is to work out 5 times/week. Two out of the five workouts will be short metcons coupled with heavy DL, BS, P, J, CL, FS. The other three metcons will be around the 20-25 minute range. Those days I will warm up and work on a skill or something like weighted pull ups.

I think this year I'm going to focus less on the body weight movements since I can already post top scores on those and incorporate the barbell more into the metcons. WODS that I typically did at body weight will now be done with the 20# weighted vest. Hopefully by February I will be back in shape and will then start to do at least 1-2 Hero WODs each week.

My current PR's that I hope to improve on:

CFT: 780 (DL, P, BS)
Angie: 12:48
Barbara: 27:46
Daniel: 14:51
Cindy: 28 rounds
Helen: 7:21

I will write down today's WOD and results after I finish it this afternoon.