Monday, February 28, 2011


Warm Up: 500 m row


Press: 95x5, 105 5x5

Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 180x3

Metcon: 7 Rounds

10 Hang Power Cleans 120 lbs.
15 Pull Ups

Time: 13:14

Slow. My grip was shot.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I didn't post yesterday because I started to do Roy and after 1.5 rounds my back tightened up so bad I had to stop. I took a little break and then did like 180 or so pull ups and about 30 hspu's. I had to stop the hspu's because any time I arched my back it started to hurt.



Power Clean: 95x10, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5

Out of all the lifts, I'm still taking the cleans slowly so as not to aggravate my tendonitis. The lifts were easy today. I'll start getting heavier in a couple weeks.

Metcon: Blake

4 Rounds

100 Foot, Over-head Walking Lunge 45 lb.
30 Box Jumps
20 WB

Time: 22:45

I'm not gonna lie, I was moving slow today. My time wasn't even competitive. It should have been in the 17-18 minute range. I don't care though, my body didn't even want to do a WOD today. I'm just glad I got one in. That was 4 Hero WOD's for the week and a couple PR's in lifts. Overall a pretty solid week.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Metcon: Jack

AMRAP 20 min

10 Push Press 115 lbs.
10 KB
10 Box Jumps

Rounds: 9

That was pretty solid. I was shooting for 10 rounds so I fell a little short but I still did pretty well. This is the WOD that Mikko freakin killed it in. But the CF community was scoring in the 7-9 round range. So, the fact that I scored on the high end of that was nice.

I'm loving the Hero WODs. I have two more to do. Tomorrow is Forrest and Saturday is Helton. Helton will probably be one of the hardest WODs I've ever done. It's harder than Badger.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Front Squat: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x3, 205x1, 210x5 PR

Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5


Pull Ups: 4x30
Dips: 2x30, 3x12 w/ 20 lb. vest

I was planning on doing another Hero WOD today but my body was screaming no. Nothing felt strong today. I'm surprised I even PR'd on the FS. Had I been fresh I could have pushed all of them much harder.
Today was essentially an active rest day in my book.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Metcon: Mr. Joshua

5 Rounds

400 m Run
60 Sit Ups
15 Dead Lifts 250 lbs.

Time: 34:12

Another Hero WOD. I've never done this one before and it looks like I actually had a solid time. I've seen 3-5 times in the 27-29 minute range and the rest in the 35-45 minute range. Nice to know that I'm still scoring on the faster side even with the heavier weight.

This entire week I'm doing Hero WODs. They're the hardest WODs mentally and physically. I prefer them to the Girl WODs because they tend to be longer, which is what I need work on.

My DL's were alright. I think I did them 8-7, 8-4-3, 9-6, 8-7, 9-6. The fifth round was ugly. Rounds 1-4 looked good.


Metcon: Danny


30 Box Jumps
20 Push Press 115 lbs.
30 Pull Ups

Rounds: 3 + 7 Push Press PR

That's a really hard WOD. It may not look like a lot of rounds, but the top scores I've ever seen were in the low to mid 4 rounds with one guy barely getting to 5 rounds. The box jumps take any spring out of the push press so you essentially have to press it. If anything, the WOD pointed out another weakness of mine: box jumps!

My previous PR was only 3 rounds, which was weak. At least I added 37 reps to yesterdays performance. Not my favorite WOD I've ever done, but still hard.

Saturday, February 19, 2011



Back Squat: 185x5, 205x5, 225x3, 240x3, 255x3, 270x5 PR

Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x3, 300x3, 315x3, 325x5

That's a huge PR on my Back Squat and I wasn't even planning on it. My 1RM on my last CF Total was 275. I was able to do 270x5 easily. I got a little off balance on the third rep but I was able to stabilize my right knee and the rest went up well. My previous 5RM was 240 I think. They were just feeling solid tonight so I kept pushing it and they went up easily. I wouldn't be surprised if my 1RM is in the 300's now.

The DL's weren't as solid as the BS. The last lifts, at 325 weren't pretty. They went up, but they weren't pretty. I haven't done DL's in about 12 days because my lower back had been hurting me. My back felt fine tonight but the lift is weak. I'll do a metcon this up coming week with DL's in them.


4x30 Dips


Friday, February 18, 2011


Metcon: 20 AMRAP

1 clean/jerk 115 lbs.
1 kb
1 wb

2 c/j
2 kb
2 wb etc.

Rounds: 9+2

Devin stole this WOD from Jenny and NWCF. Devin got 10+6 at 110 lbs. and doing squat cleans through 7 rounds. I did it a little heavier, not much, and did squat cleans through all rounds. Cleans and the squat felt good. My shoulders have been over worked this week for sure.

I was planning on doing a body weight chipper today but I couldn't resist trying to beat Devin once I saw him post his score. Had I not done 100 thrusters yesterday I think I would've faired better. My shoulders are seriously shot. I should've been in the 11 round range. Oh well.

Tomorrow is a strength day: Back Squat, Dead Lift and weighted Dips.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Metcon: Coe

10 rounds

10 Thrusters 95lbs
10 Ring Push Ups

Time: 17:11

I wanted to get a hero WOD in this week and I'd never done Coe. I was surprised that I wasn't breathing too hard but my shoulders were killing me. That should have been a 12 minute WOD but I was a wuss. I've done a bunch of thrusters lately and that's on purpose. I want to increase leg and shoulder strength and thrusters do it quickly. The squat felt easy today which was nice. Could've gone faster but still fun.


Yesterday I just had an active rest day.

I just played around with my split and push jerk at 135. I had planned on doing Eva yesterday but it started to snow and there was no way that I was running in the snow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Strength: Front Squat
135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 190x5, 205 3x3


500 m row
30 bench press body weight (140 lbs)
1k row
20 bench press
2k row
10 bench press

Time: 24:11

This was a mainsite WOD June 14, 2010, and Kristan Clever got 23:55. Again, not too shabby. Anytime I'm within seconds or even a minute of the top times, I'm feeling pretty good.

I kept about a 2 minute pace on the row. Obviously if it had been intervals of 500m I would have pushed for a 1:45-1:48 pace. However, because of the longer rows I knew I had to pace myself a little more and I was right. My legs were burning because of the front squats and every time I tried to sprint I would just get gassed.

The presses were solid. I did 12-9-9, then 12-8, then 10.

Good WOD.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Skill: 6x25 Pull ups

Metcon: 30 Reps

Rollout-->Squat Clean-->Thruster 115 lbs.

Time: 10:54

Really, really hard WOD. This was a WOD I saw on the mainsite that another gym did during the summer. They did it at 95 lbs and were getting in the 7 minute range. I decided to increase the weight and it was hard. The cleans were easy and so was the press but the squat got hard after about 16 or 17. It definitely highlighted my weakness.

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Bench: 135x12, 145x10, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 135 3x12

Push Press: 95x10, 110x5, 125x5, 135 3x5

Metcon: 4 Rounds

15 kb
20 dips
25 pull ups

Time: 9:56

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm super annoyed. I took a rest day yesterday so that I could hit it hard today and do a two-a-day on Saturday only to get the tightest back in the world only two rounds into my WOD today. I literally had to stop because even box jumps were hurting my back. I'm not sure what's going on but it was annoying because today I was doing the new Hero WOD Wittman.

Tomorrow will just have to be a strength day cause I can't move too fast. I'll squat, press, bench, pull ups and dips.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Skill: I used this essentially as my warm up. 3x10 hang power cleans 95 lbs.

Metcon: Ledesma

AMRAP 20 mins

10 Toes-through-Rings
15 Medicine Ball Cleans

Rounds: 9 + 5 HSPU + 4 Toes-through-Rings

HSPU's were on 45 lb. plates, thus increasing the range of motion. The WOD asked for paralettes but I haven't made a pair of those yet. I at least tried to simulate the greater depth on the HSPU and did forehead to ground.

My score was pretty legit with Austin Malleolo getting 10 + 2 HSPU and Kris Clever getting 8 + 9 cleans.

I'm already getting a lot bigger. I've started to drink between 1/4 gallon and 1/2 gallon of whole milk every day. I've put on 4-5 pounds and haven't sacrificed any speed. I'm also drinking about 2 46g protein shakes/day. I'm pretty sure I'm getting around 150g of protein/day but finally with more calories.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Metcon: Daniel

50 Pull ups
400 m run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs
800 m run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs
400 m run
50 Pull ups

Time: 14:57 PR

Daniel is a great WOD. This is the third time I've done it and I was able to get a PR relatively easily. Well, it felt pretty easy during the WOD but then after the WOD I lost it and threw up everywhere:) First time that has happened since I've been using my home gym.

I thought my previous time was pretty decent, 15 minutes and change but really even my new PR isn't that fast. This WOD could realistically be done in the 12:30-13:00 range. My thrusters are still pretty weak, took tons of breaks and still got a PR. I was happy to get a PR but next time I do this it will be much faster.

Yesterday was also the first time I've ran in over 2 months. It was freezing. I can't stand running in cold weather. I prefer to row but I don't like making any subs in the Hero WODS. This is a Hero WOD week, with Ledesma on Wednesday,  Badger on Thursday and Michael on Friday. Should be fun.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Strength: Bench

135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 165 3x5

Metcon: 100 burpee-pull ups

Time: 10:00

I got 10:00 flat, not joking. I was shooting for 11/minute but was only able to sustain that til about 50. I then had to scale back a bit because I could tell that I was getting fatigued. Again, it wasn't too difficult metabolically, which was surprising, but my shoulders were on fire. They were already pretty tired from the bench that I did 1 minute before starting.

Still, 10 minutes flat isn't too bad. Austin Malleolo got the top time with 8:38 and I beat Kris Clever by 1:30 and Josh Everett by 3:16. Overall it was a good WOD. Anytime that I'm beating top competitors, guys and girls, I'm happy with my result.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Skill: I did this after the metcon--
100 dips
DB curls:)

Metcon: Diane

21 Deadlifts 225, HSPU

Time: 7:47 PR

My previous PR was 8:40. This is the type of WOD that is made for "the big guy." It's not metabolically challenging but moving that weight for speed is going to be hard for someone my weight. Some of the big guys can do this WOD in 3:00 or less. While 225 isn't even that heavy for me, the middle of the round of 15 always gets me. Also, my lower back was super tight from Randy two days ago. I still got a PR though which was cool.

The HSPU's were easy, easiest they've ever been. I did 19/2, 15, 9 without breaking a sweat. I'd love to get this WOD into the 5's which is realistic for me. My DL needs to get stronger, and not just stronger on the 1RM, but the ability to move substantial weight quickly. I think I'll start doing DL WODs with 255-275 in order to build the 225 strength/speed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Skill: 4x10 Deadlift 225
I wanted to work on my form. My chest has been dropping a bit on my lifts. This time around I kept it up and shoulders squared. They looked good and it was easy.

Metcon: Randy

75 Power Snatches 75 lbs


My PR is 6:53. I didn't beat it which was a bummer but it still felt like a good, fast WOD. This was actually the first time I've repeated a WOD and not beaten my previous time. I'll get it next time though. This was still a good gauge to see where I'm at.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


max rep pull ups: 46 PR
dead hang pull ups: 5x12

Strength: Deadlift

225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x3, 315x3

315 felt heavy today. I was still super sore from yesterday so today was essentially an active rest day. Tomorrow will be much more intense. Need more protein. I weighed in at only 139, freaking 139. That's disgusting. I need to gain 15 pounds fast. I can't believe I've lost so much weight.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Bench: 135x10, 145x10, 155x5, 160x3, 165x1, 170 3x3
Bench is definitely a lift that most crossfitters neglect, me included. I'll probably start to do bench roughly once a week to increase some shoulder strength.

Front Squat: 135x5, 155x7, 175x5, 185x3, 190x3, 200 3x3
Front squat's felt good today. I was planning on doing a 5x3 at 190 but it was going up easily so I decided to do a 3x3 at 200. I felt like I could have done more which was encouraging.

Metcon: 3 Rounds

7 Front Squats 155lbs
14 KB
21 Box Jumps

Time: 7:46

I was hoping to get in the 6:00 range but my legs were spent from the front squats I did earlier. I was surprised at how tired they were. Oh well, I still had fun with this WOD.