Monday, November 21, 2011


Strength: Deadlift

245x5, 295x5, 315x5, 345x5

I had planned on going to 375 but I tweaked my lower right back so I had to pull back. Bummed.


Bench: 16x3 speed bench (Westside Barbell) 1 round every 30 seconds

8 rounds at 165, 8 rounds at 155

My bench is still so weak. Man, it's embarrassing.

HSPU: 5x10
Dead Hang Pullup: 5x10

I did these alternating sets.

Dips: 5x15

I didn't get jack in this past weekend because Alex and Whitney were here. I suck at working out when guests are here. This week is going to be even worse because we take off for San Diego on Wednesday. I'll be able to get volume in tomorrow and Wednesday morning. Maybe I'll get a hotel gym WOD or two in.

I got smaller over the weekend. I suck.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Yesterday I did death by pullups for an active rest day and I got 21+11. I was shooting for 24 but both my hands tore in round 16 and I ended up using my fingers on the pullups which was a grip killer.

WOD: chipper

80 situps
70 dips
60 burpees
50 box jumps
40 hspu
30 dl 275

Time: 21:25

I know I've said this but hspu's need to be part of my daily routine. Dang those killed me. Tomorrow will be shoulders and maybe thrusters and Saturday heavy DL strength.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Bench: 135x5, 165x5, 185 5x3
My bench is so weak. I'll do this one more time this week to try to build up little by little.

Split jerk: 135x5, 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 245(f), 245(f), 235x1 (PR), 240x1 (PR)
That's a 10lb PR in two weeks. My split jerk just keeps going up. I'll be really happy when it's 270+.

Skill: EMOTM 7 mins, 7 pc 150
Also trying to build pc strength. It's my biggest goat especially because it limits my metcons.


7 pp 155lbs
10 box jumps

Time: 8:28

Man my shoulders were tired for this one. They'll get a break tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Strength: back squat


I had planned on going to 305 but my legs were tired and I had a bunch of front squats still to do.

WOD: 5 rounds

7 fs 185lbs
14 t2b
21 dips

Time: 15:07

My legs were fatigued.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Strength: 3x12 135, 5x5 165

WOD: 3 Rounds

1 min push press 95lbs
1 min air squats
1 min pull ups
1 min rest

Push Press: 31, 22, 23
Air Squats: 37, 39, 33
Pull Ups: 30, 27, 24

Tianna and I went to Palo Alto this weekend for the Stanford/Oregon game. I didn't get any wods in Friday or Saturday. Today I just wanted to do mid weight/high rep. If I'd had more time I would have done more strength.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



4x25 Pull Ups

HSPU: 60


Dead Lift: 225x3, 315x3, 345x2, 365x1, 390x1, 420x1 (PR)

Back Squat: 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 305x1, 335x1 (PR), 350x1 (PR)

Press: 95x5, 115x3, 125x1, 135x1, 145x1

CFT: 915 (PR)

That's a 100lb PR for me. Tonight was a huge night for me. Just two weeks ago, or a little more, I hit 400lb for the first time on my DL and now I beat that by 20lb. Also, when I went for 335lb on the BS it went up w/ speed so I knew I could get more and didn't want to waste energy so I jumped the weight 15lb.  Obviously the strength aspect of my programming is working. My strict press is always going to be a weakness. In reality it's not super telling of my shoulder strength because both my PP and Jerks are increasing tons. Awesome night.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Strength: push press

135 3x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 155 5x3

This was all I could fit in tonight. Got home late from young men's. Gonna wake up early and do yesterday's main site WOD. Tomorrow night will be CFT.



Press: 95 3x5, 115 3x5, 135x1, 145x1 (PR)

Bench: 150 3x5, 165x5, 170x5, 185x3, 190x1

My bench is embarrassingly weak. Holy crap. Seriously, I thought about not posting this it's so embarrassing.

WOD: 7 min AMRAP

10 DL 275lbs
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees

Rounds: 3 + 5 DL

Monday, November 7, 2011


Strength: Front Squat

135x5, 185x3, 215x3, 230x3, 250x1 (PR)

WOD 1: 15-12-9-6-3

Power cleans 135lbs/Burpees

Time: 5:43

Finally beat Nick U in a WOD.

WOD 2:

150 air squats
150 air squats

Time: 17:33

Beat my previous time by 19 seconds. That's a hard WOD. The type I don't like at all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


WOD 1: 3 Rounds

5 PC Body weight (150lbs)
15 KB
25 Pull Ups
15 KB
5 PP 150lbs

Time: 15:05

Nick Urankar got 12:28. I honestly thought I would have been in the 13's so I was surprised I did so poorly. I wasn't gassed at all at the end of the WOD. Again, it was lower back tightness started to limit me in a major way on the KB's. Still a good WOD though.

WOD 2: (mainsite)

300 m Row
20 Push Press 135lbs
300 m Row
15 PP
300 m Row
10 PP
300 m Row
5 PP

Time: 9:50

Didn't even come close to Austin Malleolo's time of 6:34, but I also don't have his shoulders. Still thought I would have been in the high 7's. I was more disappointed w/ this WOD than with the first one.

WOD 3:

10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans 135lbs
2-4-6-8-10 HSPU's

Time: 5:52

This was a little better but still slow. This is a little more understandable since it was a high volume shoulder day. Still, I thought I was going to be and should have been in the high 3's. I was on pace for that and then the HSPU's got hard. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but since I've stopped incorporating those into my daily routine, they've really gone to crap.

Lots of volume today, but I wasn't happy with any of them. This past week I didn't have tons of strength workouts. This next week will see more strength and then shorter/faster metcons.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


WOD 1: 4 Rounds

10 DL 225lbs
40 Sit Ups
40 Push Ups

Time: 12:28

WOD 2: 5 FS 185lbs EMOTM 10 Minutes

WOD 3: 5 Rounds

10 KB 1.5 pood
15 Dips

Time: 4:44

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Strength: DL

225x5, 295x5, 325x5, 355 3x3

That felt good and strong. Probably could have done 365-370 3x3.

WOD: 21-15-9

PS 75lbs
Pull Ups
Box Jumps

Time: 6:41

I did this WOD when I started up again here in Gilbert and I was in the high 7's so I beat it by a minute. My pull ups sucked though which was weird.

WOD 2/Skill: 2 Min AMRAP HSPU

Reps: 34

I need to start doing this every day again. I honestly thought I'd be around 46-50. That was a rude awakening. In the summer I was doing them every day and was easily doing 45/2 min. Gotta fit those in to the schedule from now on.