Monday, May 16, 2011



4x25 Pullups

100 Ring Pushups

5x5 Power Cleans 135


Back Squat: 225x4, 245x4, 265x4, 270x4

Cleans: 135x5, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 170x3

Cleans just feel weird to me. I'm trying to focus a little more on the O-lifts because I suck at them. I don't have any muscle memory with them right now. I can go much heavier on cleans, I just want to feel more comfortable with them.

Metcon: 21-15-9

Power Snatch

I'm in a CF funk, for sure. I'm really not feeling it right now but I'm trying to fight through it and still get volume/WODs in. The problem is I get bored easily, especially since I'm doing it by myself. Like I said above, I'm going to try to work on O-lifts 4-5 times/week, so hopefully that makes it all more interesting again.

I've been trying to put on 15lbs but it's just making me slow. I can't figure out how to gain good weight. I'm still going to try and eat a lot more, but not drink as much milk. The weight isn't making me stronger.

Sunday, May 15, 2011



25 pullups-25 dips x4

Time: 9:36

Slow. I definitely don't have a beast mode right now. Hopefully this next week will bring it back out and I'll start to post some good times and weights.

50 kb 1.5pd

Time: 1:58

That was better, time wise. Still about 20 seconds slow.


Split Jerk: 135x5, 155x1, 170x1, 185x1, 200x1, 220x1 (f)

Push Press: 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 160x3 (held overhead for 30 seconds each)

Press: 105x5, 115x5.

Friday, May 13, 2011



DL: 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 295 2x5, 335x3

Metcon: 5 Rounds

10 DL 225lb
20 Sit ups

Time: 10:12

A little slow, but I'm ok with it.


Skill: 4x25 Pullups


Back Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 240x5, 250x2, 260x2, 270x2, 280x2

Bench: 135x10, 150x5, 160x5, 170x5, 175x5, 180x2, 185x2, 190x1, 195x1

Both of those felt easy and solid.

Metcon: 21-15-9

Push Press 95lb
KB swings 1.5pd

Time: 7:32


Metcon: 5k run

Time: 22:32

A little slower than my top time, but I haven't done a run like that since last summer so I'll take it. I did this in Phoenix.

Monday, May 9, 2011



Row 1k

Power Clean: 4x10 135lb


Push Press: 95x10, 115x5, 135x5, 150x3, 160 3x3, 135 3x5

Deadlift: 225x5, 245x5, 265x10, 270x10, 325x5

Volume, volume, volume. Just got back from San Diego last night and taking off for Phoenix tomorrow morning at 4 AM. I wasn't able to go to the San Diego affiliate with Alex because we were doing so many things with the boys. I did get in two silly WODs at the hotel gym. Hopefully I'll get the time tomorrow and Wednesday to go to an affiliate while I'm gone. I should be able to start doing metcons again this week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Bench: 135x10, 145x5, 155x5, 165 5x5, 145 3x10

HSPU: 45

Pullups: 4x25, 5x12 Dead Hang Chinups

Back Squat: 225x3, 250 4x4

KB Swings: 4x12 2 pood

This was the first day since the last post that I've been able to get work done. I still can't do metcons because I start coughing too hard and then I throw up. At least I was able to get some volume in today. Man, I hate being sick. I lose body mass so fast when I don't work out its insane. Luckily, everything went up well today. We're headed to San Diego tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some WODS in at the affiliate close to Alex.