Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I wanted to FS again because my previous outing was so poor.

FS: 7x5 225 (77%)


PC 135


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The other day I did:

3 Rounds:
10 DL 325
50 Dips
50 Situps

DL's were solid. Did the first round unbroken and the second and third rounds 7/3. I moved pretty fast.

I did FS: 3x3 255
It felt super weak so I hung it up. I'll be doing FS again tonight.

Friday, June 1, 2012


SJ: Up to 225 and then wasn't feeling it. Bummer.

PP: 155x5, 165x5, 170x5, 175x5, 180x5
Felt super solid and easy.

Dead Hang Pull Ups: 6x10

1k Row: 4 mins

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I didn't get to workout last night because the boys were up a little later and then time just got away.

I woke up this morning and did:

HBBS: 225x3, 255x3, 275x3, 305x3, 275x3, 255x3, 225x3

FS 95lbs
Pull Up


I suck at CF right now. All my strength numbers are going down and my conditioning is garbage. It's all on me. Tonight should be a little better. I'll stretch, take some glucosamine and advil and should be fine.


DL: 6x3 80% 350
This was surprisingly easy. I say surprising because my DL has been so pathetic. I'll keep going up 10lbs/week and patiently try to increase my 1RM.

5 Rounds
25 PP 95lbs
100 singles


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I took Saturday and Sunday off cause I had done 6 days straight and my body needed a break. I wasn't too sore, just didn't want to hit the point of exhaustion. Yesterday, Memorial Day, I did two Hero WODs and a bunch of other stuff.

DT: 5 Rounds
12 DL 155
6 PJ
Time: 16:02

So freaking slow. Outlaw did this WOD and my score wasn't too bad. It should have been around 10-11 minutes which I honestly think I can do. I was feeling so crappy that I was woozy on the first round of pacing myself. I know it had less to do with the WOD and more to do with dehydration, lack of protein etc. Everything felt heavy for no particular reason.

100 Pullups

FS: 6x3 250lbs

JT: 21-15-9

6:50 Close to a PR, but I don't think quite a PR. First time I've been in the 6's in a long time. I did this in the afternoon after eating, drinking a bunch etc. Felt much better.

Snatch: 95x10, 115x5, 130x5, 135x5

Friday, May 25, 2012


12 Dips EMOTM 10 Mins

Snatch: Up to 135x3. My shoulders were hurting so I stopped. I'm going to stick to PC's because they don't kill my shoulders.

4 Rounds:
12 PS 75lbs
36 Sit Ups



SJ: 135x7, 165x3, 185x3, 205x2, 225x1, 235x1, 245x1

40 Pullup
30 Pullup
20 Pullup


ME 2 pd KB 1 min on/1 off


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


6x3 340 (75%)

PP: 135x10, 145x10, 150 4x10

1k row

--I got a late start and DL's are taking me a while to make sure I don't strain my back at all.


Back Squat:
315 4x3, 325x3, 335x3--Felt good and easy. Haven't done low-bar in a little bit so I was pleased with this.
PC: 135x5, 165x5, 185x3, 200x3, 205x3, 215x1

4 Rounds:
5 PC 185
10 Pull Ups
Time: 9:40

Monday, May 21, 2012


225 3x5

Main Site Wod:
500 m row
30 BW Bench (155)
1000 m row
20 Bench
2000 m row
10 Bench

---done, and freaking hard for me. I need to row more.


Bench: 1 round = 5 reps of each x 3
Light: 135
Medium: 155
Heavy: 170

PC: EMOTM 8 mins
5 @ 185

PP: 3 Mins at each weight, EMOTM
165: 5 EMOTM
155 5 EMOTM
135: 7 EMOTM

Friday, May 18, 2012


I swear I get freaking sick all the time. I've now had pink eye which put me down for a full day and out of work for two days. I also didn't record what I did on Monday and Tuesday the 14th/15th.

HBBS: 6x3 80% 265
Weighted Pull up: 6x3 40lbs
HSPU: 50
30-20-10 Dips/HPC 135: 7:06
100 situps: 2:54

PS 95x5, 115x3, 125x3, 130x3, 135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 160x1 (PR), 135x5
PC: 160x5, 185x5, 195x5, 200x5

5 rounds:
5 DL 275
10 Burpees
Time: 4:03

DL: 3 EMOTM 5 mins at 345/5 EMOTM 5 mins at 315
My DL felt so crazy weak. Maybe it's because I haven't been feeling well.

PP/KB: 10 min EMOTM
Even: 5 PP 155lbs
Odd: 10 KB 2pd

PS: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 145x3 (sore shoulders and still had more to do so I stopped).

3 Rounds: 20 PP 135/30 Burpees
Time: 13:50

Monday, May 14, 2012


3x20 Clean Pulls/Shrugs 225
3x10 Weighted Dips 35lb

DL 225
Pull Ups

3 Rounds:
250m Row
6 FS 225

Time: 11:04. Slow, but I had a cough attack and did the FS unbroken which was the goal.

5 Min Rest--


Time: 5:24

Thursday, May 10, 2012


BS: 6x3 83% 315
SJ: 210x6 (80%), 225x3 (87%), 235x3 (90%), 245x1 (94%)

Pull Ups
Sit Ups

Time: 10:51

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Power Clean: 6x3 80% = 190
SJ from the front: 6x3 80% = 175
DL: did 1 rep at 355 and seriously strained something in my back. I don't know what's up with my DL right now but its frustrating me beyond belief.

3 rounds:
8 pp 155
30 DU

Time: 8:40

I was going so fast on the pp and I just suck and DU's. This should have been a much faster WOD.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what I did.

DL 225x5, 295x5, 315x5, 325x3, 345x7
FS: 225x3, 240x3, 250x3, 265x3, 275x3 (PR)

4 Rounds:
60m swim

I feel like there was something more...can't remember.


BS: 225x3, 275x3, 305x3, 325x3, 345x2, 355x1, 265x20 (f) was able to complete 265x14 then 265x6.
Pull Ups: 4x3 weighted (35lbs) + continuous max effort

JT: 8:06
Far from a PR...not making progress and not the type of training day I had anticipated.

Friday, May 4, 2012



Push Press: 135x5, 155x5, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3, 190x3
HSPU: 50

3 Rounds:
10 PP 155
15 KB
25 Pull Ups
15 KB

Time: 14:25


I wussed out. I had tons planned and then it got late and I only got my strength in.

High Bar Back Squat: 225x5, 255x3, 275x2, 305x2, 325x2 (PR)
That felt super solid and went up with decent speed.

DL: 3x5 365

That's obviously not even close to a PR but I'm really focusing on form and keeping a solid lumbar curve.

Friday (Morning):

Heavy Diane:

DL 275

Time: 7:17

Pretty Good. I really am trying to refocus on my DL. Aside from the past two weeks I had hardly been doing DL's in WODs and I need to increase my rep schemes. This felt good. I would love to put this in the 5's which is totally doable in two weeks or so. I have tons planned for tonight, mostly metcons.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Active Rest Day

I went pretty hard Friday-Mon so I knew that my joints were going to be hurting, and they were.

FS: 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 285x1, 300(F)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012



3 Rounds
50 KB
30 Pullups
15 PP 135

Hang Power Clean: 135x3, 165x3, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 240x1(F), 205x5

Back Squat: 330x3, 340x3, 350x2, 365x1

Weighted Pull Ups: 5x5 35lb

4 Rounds:
5 DL 330
10 DU's

Time: 7:37

This all felt super solid and I was happy with the work I've been able to do over the weekend. I'm seriously more motivated than ever. My true goal is to make it to regionals in 2013. I know that there are a million guys gunning for that but when I look at those that qualified this year, my strength numbers are either equal to or greater than theirs. I just need to get my metcon motor back to where it once was. I'll also be modeling my training off of Outlaw/Nick Urankar. I can't snatch as much as Outlaw because I'm just not flexible enough and it kills my shoulders. But I love what Rudy does. I'll also have the volume of Nick U. Lots of EMOTM, lots of heavy lifting and incorporating heavy lifts into my metcons to get the reps. Should be fun to finally train for something.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I've done a bunch of stuff this past week but haven't posted. Today: Fs: 3x3 245, 255, 265 275x1, 290x1. 290 ties my PR. I failed at 300. Pc: 185 3x3, 195x3, 205x3, 215x1 3 rounds 250m row 25 box j 20 kb 15 pp 145 Time: 18:17

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Split Jerk: 225x10, 240, 255 (f)
My shoulders were fatigued by the time I went for 255. I'll start doing this more frequently. It's about time I hit a new pr.

Bench: 135x3, 155x3, 170x3, 180x3, 195x3

1k row
50 hrpu
50 pullups
50 dips


Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Fs: 5x2 225x2, 240x2, 250x2, 260x2, 270x2

Hpc: 185 5x3, 205x3


Press: 3x5 120

Back squat: 4x1 325, 350, 370, 380(PR)

DL 315
Box j 30 in

Time: 11:26

Humbling. My legs were fried from the squats. I actually did a lot because of the warm up. I need to do higher rep DL to get my body used to that again.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I took way too many rest days. I've been lazy as crap.

High bar back squat: 5x3 225, 255, 275, 290, 305
This felt pretty good for not soon much lately.

10 rounds:
10 hspu
20 situps


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Press: 3x5 80% 115

Dl: 225x5, 295x5, 335x3, 365x2, 385x2, 405x1, 415x1

800m run
10 rounds
10 pullups
10 dips
800m run

Time: 16:26

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



Fs: 250 5x3
Hbbs: 265x3, 285 2x3


Push press: 170 5x3

4 rounds:
10 burpees
15 pp 95lbs
20 pullups
--1 min rest btwn rounds

Total time: 12:05

BS: 315x2, 325x2, 335x2, 345x2

HPC: 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x1, 215x1, 225x1 (PR), 235x1 (PR)

Friday, April 6, 2012


Haven't been posting lately. I was in SLC and was able to get a little work in at Andy's gym.

C/J 5x1 80%+: 175x2, 185x2, 195x1, 200x1
Man I'm weak.

Clean Pulls 4x2: 295
I had to use an over under grip because I don't have straps.

FS 8x2: 185, 225, 245, 255x5x2

5 Rounds
400 m run
15 c2b pullups
--2 min rest

1:37, 1:56, 1:55, 1:59, 1:52

Bench 3x5: 165

Thursday, March 29, 2012


5x20 pullup
Bench: 135x10, 155x5, 170x5, 185x3, 195x3

Yesterday's metcon:

300 singles (du's tripled)
30 burpees
15 GHD
225 singles
150 singles



Clean/Jerk: 5x2 75%-85%
165, 175, 180 2x2

Clean Pulls: 4x3

FS 1 1/4: 5x2
225, 235, 245 2x2

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ps + s
2x1 70% 110
2x1 75% 115
1x1 80% 125

3x1 75% 165, over 75%
2x1 80% 185, also over

4 rounds
ME hspu
500m row

15, 15, 12, 12
1:53, 1:53, 2:00, 1:59 yeeeeesh

ME kb 45
ME thrusters 115 16

Monday, March 26, 2012


Snatch: 5x2 75% = 115
Snatch pulls: 5x3 = 185, 200 4x3
Hbbs tempo: 5x2 75% = 280 2x2, 260 3x2
Had to lower it to 260 to keep the pace.

400m run
3 rounds
5 dl 135
5 hpc
5 pj
2 rounds
1 rounds


Thursday, March 22, 2012


C/J 5x3 at 70% = 155lb (this was actually about 72.5%)

BS 1RM: 370 (PR)

FS 4x2: 225, 255 3x2

Clean Pulls 4x4: 275

Didn't have time for the metcon. I'll make it up today.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Making the full transition to Outlaw. I'm proud of what I accomplished on my own but I need someone else's programming to get beast strong.

Ps and snatch: 2x1 65, 70 , 75%
Each rep consists of the pair
100, 110, 115

Clean/jerk 75%.
160 easy.

Bench: 3xME bw; 15, 12, 10
C2b strict: 3xME 9, 8, 7

750 m row

8 min amrap
From floor
10 behind neck PP 155
20 kb 1.5pd
30 du

2 rounds

I actually did the best I've ever done on du's. I didnt think too much and just did them on a one count and strung 15 together.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I played around w/ tumblr for a bit that's why there aren't any posts on here.

Press: 95 2x5, 115x5, 120 3x3, 125x3, 130x3

High-bar back squat: 225x2, 245x2, 275x2, 285x2, 300 6x2

Burpee box jumps


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My shoulders are crap. They were feeling good today so I wanted to give them a shot again.

Pc: 95x10, 135x7, 155x5, 170x5, 185x5, HPC: 200x3, 210x3

SJ: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x3, 235x1
I was practicing using a wider grip. This was crap though. I had no speed and struggled w/ the lifts.

40 wb
30 pullups
20 hspu
30 wb
20 pull
10 hspu
20 wb
10 pull
5 hspu


Monday, March 12, 2012


Back at it.

Push Press: 135 2x5, 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3
I'm focusing on making gains on this. I've been stalled right here for a while.

Back squat: 225x5, 275x5, 305x3, 325x3, 340x2, 350x2, 365x1, 375x1 (F)

Jt: main site today
Time: 8:11

100 kbs 1.5pd
