Thursday, April 26, 2012


I've done a bunch of stuff this past week but haven't posted. Today: Fs: 3x3 245, 255, 265 275x1, 290x1. 290 ties my PR. I failed at 300. Pc: 185 3x3, 195x3, 205x3, 215x1 3 rounds 250m row 25 box j 20 kb 15 pp 145 Time: 18:17

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Split Jerk: 225x10, 240, 255 (f)
My shoulders were fatigued by the time I went for 255. I'll start doing this more frequently. It's about time I hit a new pr.

Bench: 135x3, 155x3, 170x3, 180x3, 195x3

1k row
50 hrpu
50 pullups
50 dips


Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Fs: 5x2 225x2, 240x2, 250x2, 260x2, 270x2

Hpc: 185 5x3, 205x3


Press: 3x5 120

Back squat: 4x1 325, 350, 370, 380(PR)

DL 315
Box j 30 in

Time: 11:26

Humbling. My legs were fried from the squats. I actually did a lot because of the warm up. I need to do higher rep DL to get my body used to that again.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I took way too many rest days. I've been lazy as crap.

High bar back squat: 5x3 225, 255, 275, 290, 305
This felt pretty good for not soon much lately.

10 rounds:
10 hspu
20 situps


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Press: 3x5 80% 115

Dl: 225x5, 295x5, 335x3, 365x2, 385x2, 405x1, 415x1

800m run
10 rounds
10 pullups
10 dips
800m run

Time: 16:26

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



Fs: 250 5x3
Hbbs: 265x3, 285 2x3


Push press: 170 5x3

4 rounds:
10 burpees
15 pp 95lbs
20 pullups
--1 min rest btwn rounds

Total time: 12:05

BS: 315x2, 325x2, 335x2, 345x2

HPC: 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x1, 215x1, 225x1 (PR), 235x1 (PR)

Friday, April 6, 2012


Haven't been posting lately. I was in SLC and was able to get a little work in at Andy's gym.

C/J 5x1 80%+: 175x2, 185x2, 195x1, 200x1
Man I'm weak.

Clean Pulls 4x2: 295
I had to use an over under grip because I don't have straps.

FS 8x2: 185, 225, 245, 255x5x2

5 Rounds
400 m run
15 c2b pullups
--2 min rest

1:37, 1:56, 1:55, 1:59, 1:52

Bench 3x5: 165