Monday, October 31, 2011


Had a great Halloween w/ the boys. Henry was a blue easter egg of all things. At first he had a pilot's costume, then Batman and then he settled on a blue easter egg. Weird, but cute. Bentley boycotted clothes all together and went shirtless and in shorts. We were an interesting site to say the least. I got some work in after the boys got to bed.

Strength: Back Squat 3x3

300 3x3 (PR)

That's a pretty big PR for me. I haven't really pushed it for a max on 3x3 before. I think my old max was maybe 275, but that might have been at 5x3. Still to finally get sets in the 300's, at 150lbs body weight, feels good.

WOD: 9 Rounds

5 Thrusters 115lbs
5 Dead Hang Chin Ups
5 Burpees

Time: 11:14

A tad slow but my legs were literally jello for this WOD. I took maybe 5-7 minutes in between strength and the WOD and I felt it. The thrusters were going up at a snails pace from rounds 1-5. Finally at about round 6 they started to go up much faster. I wanted to get the WOD into the 9's, for a round/minute. I know I can go much faster. Next time.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Last night I had tons planned and was doing my cleans and my back seized up like crazy and I had to rest it. Today was good though.

Strength: Split Jerk

135x5, 155x1, 170x1, 185x1, 215x1, 225x1, 230x1 (PR)

Nice PR for me.

WOD 1: 4 Rounds

15 Push Press 135lbs
15 Box Jumps
400 m Run

Time: 16:52

Yuck I hate running. I killed it on the Push Presses though. I was able to go unbroken on the first two rounds and then 10/5 on the last two.

WOD 2: 10 Rounds

10 PC 95lbs
20 Push Ups

Time: 10:41

That was a fun little WOD.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Yesterday I took a rest day. I played around a little bit with some OHS's and did 185 which felt good. Other than that I watched TV and ate Halloween candy.

WOD 1: 5 Rounds

15 Pull Ups
20 Sit Ups

Time: 8:19

I did this WOD this morning before work. I did everything unbroken but was still moving a little slow. At least it was all unbroken. Tonight I have a bunch of stuff planned. Going to do some DL 1 min AMRAPs and then some body weight work.


Ring Dips:

5x5 53lbs

5x20 Body Weight

Dead Hang Pull Ups:


WOD 2: 1 min AMRAP each weight, Dead Lift

245lbs: 23
275lbs: 16
295lbs: 14
315: 9

Man, I get lower back tightness like nothing else when I do DL's for speed. Maybe not the best WOD for me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Push Press: 135 3x10, 160x5, 175 3x3

I wanted to do a 5x3 but my shoulders were feeling it already and I had a lot of work to do still.

Bench: 135x10, 155x5, 175x5, 185x5

My chest is super weak. I mean seriously, 185 should not be hard and it was. Definitely something to work on.

Weighted Pull Ups: 35 5x5

These felt solid. I'll probably move up to 40-45 on my 5x5.

WOD: 5 Rounds

15 Pull Ups
7 Push Press 135lbs

Time: 6:49

My goal was to get all the presses in unbroken and I was able to do that. I was surprised that my grip started to give out on me on round 3 of the pull ups. Ended up doing rounds 3-5 10/5 on the pull ups.

Monday, October 24, 2011



Back Squat: 225x5, 260 4x4

This felt super strong and was easy. Time to move the weight back up to 275+ on my 4x4.

Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x5, 300x5, 325x5

This also felt solid.

Weighted Ring Dips:

Body Weight x10
53 3x5

WOD: 5 Rounds

7 Hang Cleans 135lbs
14 KB 2pood

Time: 10:07

Holy crap I was moving slow. Cough attack, fatigue from the strength. I thought I would have crushed that WOD. Poor metcon performance balanced by solid strength. I need to start crushing metcons.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


WOD: Josh

21 OHS 95lbs.
42 Pull ups
15 OHS
30 Pull ups
18 Pull ups

Time: 8:22

I was alright with that. That was my first time doing Josh. It's hard to guess where my time should be the first time I do a hero WOD. I'm pretty sure I could have finished in the low 7's actually because I wasn't breathing that hard at the end. Good WOD though.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


WOD 1: Grace

Time: 4:46

That was freaking pathetic. I seriously had no intensity and I was the biggest wuss ever. I should have easily been in the 3' a minimum. I almost wasn't going to even post the time it's so bad. I obviously need to work on my power cleans.

WOD 2: 1 min AMRAP KB swings x3, 1 min rest in between each set


Lower back started to tighten up on me and my grip strength was terrible. Overall a terrible night. I'll be waking up and hitting a WOD for sure to make up for tonight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


WOD 1: Diane

15      DL 225/HSPU

Time: 4:40 (PR)

That was a 22 second PR. I didn't even feel like I was moving that fast. I remember the last time I did it I was super pumped because I had beaten Alex's top time, from a loooong time ago, by 24 seconds. Now to beat my own PR by 22 is pretty nice.

I didn't get any WODs in yesterday because I had to go to the church to get a new calling and the bishop was behind so I waited for a long time. It's probably for the better though. My body has been overworked probably and could use the rest.

Strength: Front Squat

225 5x3

I'm trying to get my working sets heavier. My 5x3 felt pretty good. Didn't have as much speed as I would have liked. I want to close the gap between my FS and BS. Right now my BS is so much stronger than my FS it's crazy.

WOD 2: AMRAP 7 Minutes


OHS 95lbs
Pull ups

Result: 18 OHS and no Pull ups

I did pretty well. I was hoping to get completely through the round of 18 and get an OHS or 2 into the round of 21. Next time I do this WOD I think I'll be able to. This was a nice little WOD. I have done OHS's in forever.

Monday, October 17, 2011



Back Squat: 225x5, 250 3x5

Easy. I'll go heavier next time. I just didn't want to kill my legs on a Monday and then not be able to squat again for a while. I could have pushed it harder though.

Push Press: 145 3x10, 160x5, 175x3

My shoulders weren't feeling it tonight. Also, I typically do 135 3x10 and I increased it by 10 lbs which made a difference. I was super fatigued by the time I got to 160 which was surprising. I'm alright w/ that though because I want to keep moving my high-rep-weights up. As long as those are increasing my 1RM will also increase.

WOD: Randy

75 Power Snatches

Time: 6:09 (PR)

That was a PR by 33 seconds. I really wanted to be in the 5's but I couldn't tonight. Still happy any time I get a PR. I'm far off elite times though on Randy. My Snatch is a weakness of mine so I'm at least happy I got that in tonight instead of working on a strength.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Strength Day:

Split Jerk: 135x5, 165x1, 185x1, 205x1, 225x2 PR, 235(f)

That was a nice PR for me. I currently weigh 150, which is 7 pounds LIGHTER than this summer and I hit a 10lb PR. That's a pretty solid strength/weight ration. Also, 235 went up 3 straight times w/ speed, but for some reason my right arm got shaky and couldn't support it for long enough. It was up, but I didn't count it. It felt good to finally get 225 up. I took a video of it on the 2nd rep and it definitely went up fast.

Dead Lift: 225x5, 315x1, 335x1, 365x1, 390x1 (PR), 400x1 (PR)

That was also a super good PR for me. My previous PR was 385 but that was easily back in Dec/Jan. Earlier this week when I did 365x2 touch-and-go I knew that I could at least beat 385. When I did 390 and saw how fast it went up I knew I had 400. That also went up w/ speed but I didn't feel like failing today so I stopped it there. A good strength day though. Definitely proof that my programming has been paying off. Thanks Nick Urankar!:)


DL: 225lbs

Reps: 37

I did 21 straight and then got tired. I only got 16 in the last minute and change. I think I can get over 40 next time. I'd like to be in the 50's.

Friday, October 14, 2011


WOD: 4 Rounds

250m Row
5 Front Squats 185lbs
30 Sit ups

Time: 10:14

I was too sore and tired to do any strength today. I almost didn't even do a WOD but I figured I should anyway since Sunday is my rest day. Tomorrow I'm going for a Jerk PR as well as a DL PR. If I'm not too sore I'll probably squat again since I didn't go that heavy today.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Strength: Push Press
155 3x5
170 3x3
180x1 (PR)
185x1 (PR)
190x1 (PR)

WOD 1: 3 Rounds

15 HPC 135lbs
15 Burpees

Time: 5:40

This was the CF Fury WOD. I split the difference and would have gotten 2nd. Felt like I could have gone a little faster on the second round of burpees. It was a good, short WOD.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Strength: Dead Lift 10x2

275x2, 285x2, 295x2, 305x2, 315x2, 325x2, 335x2, 345x2, 355x2, 365x2 (PR)
My 1 RM is 385. My last CF Total I only got 365, and barely. Today, 365x2 went up almost touch and go. I went for 400 and couldn't pull it:) I'll have 400 w/in 6 weeks.

WOD: 10 Rounds

10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips

Time: 9:41

I was shooting for a round/minute and got it. I wasn't breathing hard. Patrick, from work, came over tonight and helped me mount the pull up bar to the wall. Hence the pull up/dip WOD.

Tomorrow morning, before work, I'm doing a quick WOD that I'm stealing from Peter Egyed's box, Crossfit Fury. It's 3 Rounds: 15 HPC 135lbs, 15 Burpees. Their "all-star" did it in 4:31 w/ the second place guy getting it done in 7 minutes. Hopefully I can split the difference. Their guy won the Lift it/Love it challenge this past summer at CF 480.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Back Squat: 235lbs 3x5


Push Press: 135x10, 155 3x5, 165 5x3

Felt Good.


10, 9, 8....1 HSPU while doing the reverse 1, 2, 3...10 PC 135

I sucked.

Monday, October 10, 2011



Front Squat: 10x2

135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2, 185x2, 195x2, 205x2, 215x2, 225x2, 240x1 (failed second rep)

240lbs was and still is my 1 RM. I'm actually ok with that since I haven't front squatted in who knows how long. It'll go up quickly.

Dead Lift:

225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 335x3, 295 3x5

All of that felt relatively easy. I probably should have done my 3x5 at 305-310. I wanted to preserve my back though since it's only Monday.

WOD: 3 Rounds

500m Row
30 KB
15 Hand Release Push Ups

Ugly. Not going to post time. I'm just like Nick Urankar, but much worse. I need to freaking row.

Saturday, October 8, 2011



Push Press: 95lbs 2x10, 135 3x10, 155x5, 160 5x3

I'll be doing a max rep push press workout tonight, similar to the UFC Expo WOD that they did today, but obviously lighter.

Clean Pulls: 135x20, 185x10, 200 5x10

My Clean is super weak right now. Derek, at CF 480, was super good at teaching Clean/Snatch progressions and supplemental lifts to strengthen O-lifts. They felt good last night.

Bench: 135 3x10, 155x5, 165x5, 170 5x3

WOD: 2 Rounds 90 second AMRAP Push Press 115lbs w/ 1 minute rest in between:



Friday, October 7, 2011



Press: 75lbs x10, 95lbs 3x5, 105lbs 3x5, 115lbs 5x3

I went light today. It felt easy.

WOD 1:

150 Air Squats
2k Row
150 Air Squats

Time: 17:52

This was the Again Faster Challenge WOD in the little competition that they're currently running. Not sure how I faired compared to the competition. I know that Nick Urankar got roughly 15 minutes so I was using his time to gauge my pace. I was alright w/ that time. Obviously not competitive, but w/ my cough still bothering me it felt good. My legs are like jello now.

WOD 2: 4 Rounds

20 GHD Sit Ups

Time: 10:31

I was killing it until the last round of HSPU. I got through the first 8 of the last round easily and then started to hit failure. I pretty much ended up doing singles on the last 7 and they ate tons of time.

Tomorrow is going to be a strength day. I always have a lot planned but sometimes don't reach all of it. Here's what I have in mind for tomorrow: Back Squat, Clean progressions, Push Press, Bench and then a short Power Clean/Burpee WOD. Should be fun. I'm looking forward to a strength dominated day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011



Dead Lift: 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
Holy-lower-back-tightness. I was lifting them with good form but my lower back seized up on me like nothing else. Most likely because I did Deads this morning as well. I stopped at 315, even though I was planning on going all the way up to 365, to preserve myself for the WOD.

WOD 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Dead Lifts 275lbs
KBS 1.5 pd

I was too lazy to go out to my car to go get the 2 pd kettle bell so I did it with the 1.5. I figured the 2 pood would wreck my back anyway, since it was already tight.

Time: 9:15

I was alright w/ that time. Nick Urankar got 9:51 w/ 2 pd, so I figured I had to beat his time w/ a lighter weight. My back was messed up though and I could have gone much faster on a fresh back.

(I know I already did Dead Lifts this morning, but I had a lot more in me and I want to get after them again.)

WOD 2: 21-15-9
Box Jumps
Power Snatch 75lbs
Front Squat 75lbs

Time: 7:42

I could have gotten in the 6's but I'll take it. I took quite a bit of time between rounds 1 and 2 which is usually what I do...and isn't good. Round 3 is typically my fastest. This was an easy WOD which could have been faster. I'll re-do it next week and see how much faster I am.

(A variation on yesterday's WOD)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back At It

We're all moved in finally and I feel like I can start to hit it with everything I've got again. I'll be posting every day to track my progress, or lack thereof. It's obviously been a long time since I posted last but during the summer I was training at Crossfit 480 in Scottsdale. It was fun to get back into a class atmosphere and compete again. It was even more fun to win:)

I was actually surprised at how well I did because the class I went to was the competitive class with some big dudes that should have been able to out lift the crap out of me. I definitely held my own. That being said, my lifts suck. I want to get so much stronger its ridiculous. I'm tired of being strong "for a short guy". I'm upping my protein intake again and going to start to eat double what I used to. During the summer I got up to 156lb, but have probably lost 10lbs in the last 4 weeks due to pneumonia and moving chaos.

I'm ready to bring it though and start hitting full two-a-days with a serious strength component and goat component. Although, today I won't be working on any goats:)

Bench 5x5 165
 (Easing back into this)

This was easy as crap.

2 Rounds AMRAP 1 minute: Power Cleans 155lbs


I was alright w/ this. I was hoping to get 13-14. Nick Urankar, CF Games freak and physical specimen, got 14/14. A lot of my training is going to be based off of his WODs.

WOD 1: 21-15-9
Box J.
Power Cleans 135lbs

Time: 11:21

Pneumonia got the best of me on this WOD. Should have been super easy and HPC would have sped this WOD up substantially. I rested way too much on the power cleans. I had zero muscle fatigue at all. My lungs were on fire and I had several coughing attacks.

WOD 2: 3 Rounds
5 DL 305lbs
500m Row

Time: 8:46

I did this WOD this morning. Again, DL's were easy but my chest/lungs were killing me. I'm not too concerned w/ speed just yet. Speed typically comes back quickly for me.